Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
28695 European & Mediterranean network on spastic paraplegias EUROSPA ANR-07-ERAR-0005
57992 European Campus of City - Universities EC2U ANR-20-GURE-0002
54731 European Campus of City-Universities EC2U (soutien) ANR-19-GURE-0019
43772 European Consortium of Microbial Resource Centres EMbaRC2 ANR-17-MRS4-0020
45866 European Consortium on Artificial Photosynthesis developing an Artificial Leaf: from Materials to Electrodes & Devices ECAP ANR-15-MRSE-0021
45970 European DNA bank to decipher the Alzheimer disease missing heritability EADB ANR-15-JPWG-0005
36095 European Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Consortium EuroDBA ANR-12-RARE-0007
54747 European Digital UniverCity EDUC Rennes ANR-19-GURE-0003
54748 European Digital UniverCity EDUC ANR-19-GURE-0002
3925 European Divergence and Convergence in Causes of Death European Divergence ANR-07-FRAL-0018
98350 European Dual Studies University EU4DUAL ANR-22-GURE-0002
57990 European Engineering Learning innovation and Science Alliance ONE-PSL-EELISA ANR-20-GURE-0004
57991 European Engineering Learning innovation and Science Alliance EELISA ANR-20-GURE-0003
130771 European Natural History Study and search for novel biomarkers in GNAO1-associated disorders GNAO1-EU ANR-23-RAR4-0003
82833 European Network for improved molecular diagnostics of the Neurofibromatoses-schwannomatoses and related disorders EURONET- NF ANR-22-RAR4-0006
34239 European Network on Farmland Heterogeneity, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services FarmLand ANR-11-EBID-0004
28694 European Network on Rett Syndrome EURORETT ANR-07-ERAR-0004
54740 European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions EPICURSHAPE-IT UHA ANR-19-GURE-0010
54741 European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions EPICURSHAPE-IT ANR-19-GURE-0009
57987 European Reform University Alliance ERUA ANR-20-GURE-0007
98120 European Spatial-Temporal Large Scale Sea Noise Management & Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Megafauna EUROPAM ANR-22-EBIP-0013
6162 European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility: création du centre français ETSF-FRANCE ANR-05-BLAN-0191
144023 European Universities Linking Society and Technology EULiST ANR-23-GURE-0003
54736 European Universities Transforming to an Open Inclusive Academy for 2050 EUTOPIA MORE ANR-19-GURE-0014
54744 European University Alliance for Global Health EUGLOH 2.0 ANR-19-GURE-0006
57988 European University Nework to promote Equitable Quality of Life, Sustainability, and Global Engagement through Higher Education Transformation ENLIGHT ANR-20-GURE-0006
98348 European University alliance for sustainability: responsible Growth, inclusive Education and Environment EU GREEN ANR-22-GURE-0004
57986 European University for Customised Education EUNICE 2030 ANR-20-GURE-0008
57978 European University for Earth and Humanity UNIVERSEH ANR-20-GURE-0016
144012 European University for Earth and Humanity UNIVERSEH ANR ANR-23-GURE-0014
144021 European University for Peace, Justice and Inclusive Societies EUPeace ANR-23-GURE-0005
54743 European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability EU-CONEXUS Plus ANR-19-GURE-0007
57983 European University of Technology EUt Accelerate ANR-20-GURE-0011
57985 European University of Well - Being EUniWell ANR-20-GURE-0009
54732 European University of technology EUt+ (soutien) ANR-19-GURE-0018
144020 European University on Responsible Consumption and Production EURECA-PRO ANR-23-GURE-0006
57873 European cystinosis cohort: towards new biomarkers and new therapeutic approaches ECYSCO ANR-21-PMRB-0003
27983 European initiative to fight chlamydial infections by unbiased genomics ECIBUG ANR-06-PATH-0003
45945 European network on Noonan syndrome and related disorders NS-EuroNet ANR-15-RAR3-0001
52935 European network on Noonan syndrome and related disorders NSEuroNet ANR-19-RAR4-0012
41487 European perceptions of climate change: scepticism, energy preferences and societal transformation EPCC ANR-14-JCLI-0003
36094 European young investigators network for Usher syndrome Eur-USH ANR-12-RARE-0006
44837 Eutrophication hotspots resulting from biogeochemical transformations and bioavailability of phosphorus in the fluvial suspended sediment of geologically contrasting agricultural catchments Eutro-Sed ANR-16-WTW5-0016
34491 Evacuation de crise et perception des risques en démocratie DEVAST ANR-11-JAPN-0007
44887 Evaluating and managing connectivity in a network of Marine Protected Area to maintain genetic diversity and deliver fish beyond protected limits RESERVEBENEFIT ANR-16-EBI3-0002
41479 Evaluating antiviral properties of viral RNA/DNA associated proteins across species evolution ERASE ANR-14-IFEC-0005
28093 Evaluation Globale de la Sécurité Intrinsèque aux Systèmes de Transports En Souterrains EGSISTES ANR-06-SECU-0004
50227 Evaluation Non Destructives des Enceintes de confinement des centrales nucléaires ENDE ANR-11-RSNR-0009
52972 Evaluation and development of anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) technology to promote unrestricted wastewater reuse and mitigate compromised surface water quality in the Mediterranean region EADANMBRT ANR-19-P026-0004
51632 Evaluation automatique des vues endoscopiques pour la validation des points de contrôle au bloc opératoire AI4ORSafety ANR-20-CHIA-0029