Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
45952 Small Antibody Fragment as Alternative Tools in Haemophilia Care SMART-HaemoCare ANR-15-RAR3-0008
45953 Improving care for Cohesinopathies from heart phenotypes to novel therapies CoHEART ANR-15-RAR3-0009
45954 Modulation of Neuregulin signaling as an effective strategy to treat hereditary neuropathies -Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease- CMT-NRG ANR-15-RAR3-0010
45955 Preparing for therapies in autosomal recessive ataxias PREPARE ANR-15-RAR3-0011
45956 Mitochondrial Disorders- from a pan-European Registry to medical genetics, toward molecular mechanisms and new therapeutic options GENOMIT ANR-15-RAR3-0012
45957 A comprehensive clinical and experimental approach to personalized molecular medicine in patients with defined and undefined autoinflammation INSAID ANR-15-RAR3-0013
45958 Non-SCID combined immunodeficiencies- a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge EuroCID ANR-15-RAR3-0014
45959 Novel Gene Therapy for Thalassemia- Pre-clinical Development and Assessment in Animal and Stem Cell GETHERTHAL PLUS ANR-15-RAR3-0015
45960 Deciphering hyperexcitable networks associated with neurodevelopmental lesions DeCipher ANR-15-NEUR-0001
45961 Understanding and reprogramming developmental visual disorders- from anophthalmia to cortical impairment ImprVision ANR-15-NEUR-0002
45962 Deciphering the multifaceted pathways underlying MCPH pathogenesis in the mouse and human MicroKin ANR-15-NEUR-0003
45963 Role of serotonin in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders RESPOND ANR-15-NEUR-0004
45964 Striatal development and Meis1 Action in Restless Legs Syndrome SMART ANR-15-NEUR-0005
45965 Stem cells and mechanisms contributing to human cortical malformations STEM-MCD ANR-15-NEUR-0006
45966 BRain Imaging, cognition, Dementia and next generation GEenomics- a Transdisciplinary approach to search for risk and protective factors of neurodegenerative disease BRIDGET ANR-15-JPWG-0001
45967 High-Throughput, High-Content Screening of human neuroectodermal organoids for innovative drug discovery in neurodegenerative diseases 3DMinBrain ANR-15-JPWG-0002
45968 Synaptic CIRCuit PROTection in AD and HD- BDNF-TrkB and Arc signaling as rescue factors CircProt ANR-15-JPWG-0003
45969 Deciphering Interactions of Acquired Risk Factors and ApoE-mediated Pathways in Alzheimer's Disease DACAPO-AD ANR-15-JPWG-0004
45970 European DNA bank to decipher the Alzheimer disease missing heritability EADB ANR-15-JPWG-0005
45971 Genomic Instability in Alzheimer?s Disease and Related Disorders- a Single-Cell Approach INSTALZ ANR-15-JPWG-0006
45972 Generation of Improved cellular and animal Models for identification of disease phenotype and new therapeutic targets of Alzheimer?s Disease MADGIC ANR-15-JPWG-0007
45973 Advanced models of polyglutamine disorders -HD, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7- ModelPolyQ ANR-15-JPWG-0008
45974 Development of a Novel Multicellular In Vitro Model of Alzheimer?s disease-like Blood-Brain Barrier NAB3 ANR-15-JPWG-0009
45975 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy and vascular dementia SNOWBALL ANR-15-JPWG-0010
45976 Synapse-to-nucleus communication in Alzheimer's disease STAD ANR-15-JPWG-0011
45977 Unravelling the pathophysiological role of alpha-synuclein aggregation, transmission and neuroinflammation in neurodegeneration SYNACTION ANR-15-JPWG-0012
45978 Animal botulism- innovative tools for diagnosis, prevention, control and epidemiological investigation ANIBOTNET ANR-15-ANWA-0001
45979 Epidemiological models for control of arboviral disease for Europe ARBONET ANR-15-ANWA-0002
45980 Validation of automated welfare assessment for poultry AWAP ANR-15-ANWA-0003
45981 Integrated EU Mobile Broiler Data - Optimising Broiler Chicken Management, Health and Welfare through use of integrated EU data iMBDatA ANR-15-ANWA-0004
45982 Bacteriophages as alternative to antimicrobial treatments of bovine mastitis caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococci -MRS-, with emphasis on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus -MRSA- MRSA_BACTERIOPHAGES ANR-15-ANWA-0005
45983 Identification of virulence markers in two loss-making Novirhabovirus is the key to improve diagnostic and strategic management in farmed rainbow trout. NOVIMARK ANR-15-ANWA-0006
45984 Combining the 'eye of the stockman' and precision farming techniques to improve pig welfare PigWatch ANR-15-ANWA-0007
45985 Toward a tool for farmers to evaluate welfare states of pigs- measuring vocal indicators of emotions SOUNDWEL ANR-15-ANWA-0008
45986 US-French Research Proposal- Neurobehavioral assessment of a computational model of reward learning STGT ANR-15-NEUC-0001
45987 US-French Collaboration- Spatial and temporal aspects of molecular signaling in synaptic plasticity 4D-signaling ANR-15-NEUC-0002
45988 US-French Research Proposal- CRCNS- Neurovascular coupling - democracy or oligarchy NEURO-COUP ANR-15-NEUC-0003
45989 US-French Research Proposal- Neural Circuits and Plasticity- Olfactory Perception and Learning CIRCUIT-OPL ANR-15-NEUC-0004
45990 Key Determinants of Synaptic Excitation-Inhibition Imbalance in Autism Spectrum Disorders - From Genetic Animal Models to Human Patients SynPathy ANR-15-NEUR-0007
45991 US-France Research Proposal- Predicting odorant-dependent and independent olfactory neuron activation based on receptor NeurOLF ANR-15-NEUC-0005
45992 US-France Research Proposal- Modeling and Predicting Brain-Computer Interface Learning from Dynamic Networks NETBCI ANR-15-NEUC-0006
45993 Analyses comportementales et exp?rimentales en macro-finance BEAM ANR-15-ORAR-0004
45994 Deltas et Incertitudes: Pratiques et Savoirs de la Gouvernance des Deltas DouBT ANR-15-ORAR-0002
45995 La consommation alimentaire, publicit? et dynamique FAD ANR-15-ORAR-0001
45996 the KNOWledge politics of experimentING with smart urbanism KNOWING ANR-15-ORAR-0007
45997 D?terminants individuels et institutionnels des jeunes ni en emploi ni en ?ducation ni en formation NEET en France Allemagne Japon Pays-Bas et Royaume-Uni NEETS ANR-15-ORAR-0005
45998 Quantification capacit? administrative et d?mocratie QUAD ANR-15-ORAR-0003
46000 Laboratoire d'Innovation, Scale-up, et Intensification des Procédés de polymérisation LISIP ANR-15-LCV4-0005
46001 Solutions AntiFouling EcoResponsables SAFER ANR-15-LCV4-0006
46002 Smart Passive RFID LAb SPID-Lab ANR-15-LCV4-0007