Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

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45925 Structure and function analyses of the Hantavirus envelope glycoproteins and their role in virus assembly, virus entry and immune recognition, as novel targets for antiviral treatment HantaHunt ANR-15-IFEC-0008
45927 Understanding the Human-Restricted Host Tropism of Typhoidal Salmonella Sal host trop ANR-15-IFEC-0003
45928 SRCR proteins as microorganism pattern recognition receptors- a wide search for interactions with pathogenic bacteria SRecognite ANR-15-IFEC-0009
45929 Intracellular Staphylococcus aureus- deciphering bacterial and cellular factors involved in host cell invasion by clinically relevant strains to define new therapeutic approaches StaphIN ANR-15-IFEC-0002
45930 TANKACY TArgeting Natural Killer cells Against CYtomegalovirus TANKACY ANR-15-IFEC-0001
45931 A Menu for Brain Responses Opposing Stress-Induced Alterations in Cognition AMBROSIAC ANR-15-HDHL-0001
45932 Identification of dietary modulators of cognitive ageing and brain plasticity and proof of concept of efficacy for preventing-reversing cognitive decline D-CogPlast ANR-15-HDHL-0002
45933 Selenium in early life to enhance neurodevelopment in unfavourable settings SELENIUS ANR-15-HDHL-0003
45934 Nanocarriers modified with a protease-resistant BBB shuttle for targeted CNS drug delivery in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Cure2DIPG ANR-15-ENM2-0001
45935 Engineered nanotools for advanced cell therapies. CytoNanoHeal ANR-15-ENM2-0003
45936 Development of a new in vivo radiotracer for alpha-synuclein. DiaSyn ANR-15-ENM2-0002
45937 Nanoscintillator-Porphyrin Complexes for Bimodal RadioPhotoDynamic Therapy. NanoBiT ANR-15-ENM2-0004
45938 Nanoparticle mediated Photochemical Internalisation -PCI- of small anticancer drugs. PCInano ANR-15-ENM2-0005
45939 Nano systems with active targeting to sensitize colorectal cancer stem cells to anti-tumoral treatment Target4Cancer ANR-15-ENM2-0006
45940 A systems approach to preventing drug resistance in colon cancer COLOSYS ANR-15-CMED-0001
45941 Dynamic bile flow modelling and cellular sensing in primary sclerosing cholangitis DYNAFLOW ANR-15-CMED-0002
45942 Personalized MultiSystems simulations for Honing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy PUSHCART ANR-15-CMED-0003
45943 Systems medicine approach to minimize macrophage-associated interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy in renal allograft rejection Sys-MIFTA ANR-15-CMED-0004
45944 Systems medicine for diagnosis and stratification of atrial fibrillation SysAFib ANR-15-CMED-0005
45945 European network on Noonan syndrome and related disorders NS-EuroNet ANR-15-RAR3-0001
45946 Tracing the untackled facets of Peeling Skin Disease-Targeting epidermal proteolysis for treatment Propekal5 ANR-15-RAR3-0002
45947 Improving diagnosis and treatment of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia- integrating clinical and basic science Improve CPVT ANR-15-RAR3-0003
45948 A European research network directed towards improving diagnosis and treatment of inborn glycosylation disorders. EURO-CDG-2 ANR-15-RAR3-0004
45949 Netherton Syndrome- From mechanisms to therapies KLKIN ANR-15-RAR3-0005
45950 Harmonising phenomics information for a better interoperability in the RD field Hipbi-RD ANR-15-RAR3-0006
45951 The European Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Consortium EuroDBA ANR-15-RAR3-0007
45952 Small Antibody Fragment as Alternative Tools in Haemophilia Care SMART-HaemoCare ANR-15-RAR3-0008
45953 Improving care for Cohesinopathies from heart phenotypes to novel therapies CoHEART ANR-15-RAR3-0009
45954 Modulation of Neuregulin signaling as an effective strategy to treat hereditary neuropathies -Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease- CMT-NRG ANR-15-RAR3-0010
45955 Preparing for therapies in autosomal recessive ataxias PREPARE ANR-15-RAR3-0011
45956 Mitochondrial Disorders- from a pan-European Registry to medical genetics, toward molecular mechanisms and new therapeutic options GENOMIT ANR-15-RAR3-0012
45957 A comprehensive clinical and experimental approach to personalized molecular medicine in patients with defined and undefined autoinflammation INSAID ANR-15-RAR3-0013
45958 Non-SCID combined immunodeficiencies- a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge EuroCID ANR-15-RAR3-0014
45959 Novel Gene Therapy for Thalassemia- Pre-clinical Development and Assessment in Animal and Stem Cell GETHERTHAL PLUS ANR-15-RAR3-0015
45960 Deciphering hyperexcitable networks associated with neurodevelopmental lesions DeCipher ANR-15-NEUR-0001
45961 Understanding and reprogramming developmental visual disorders- from anophthalmia to cortical impairment ImprVision ANR-15-NEUR-0002
45962 Deciphering the multifaceted pathways underlying MCPH pathogenesis in the mouse and human MicroKin ANR-15-NEUR-0003
45963 Role of serotonin in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders RESPOND ANR-15-NEUR-0004
45964 Striatal development and Meis1 Action in Restless Legs Syndrome SMART ANR-15-NEUR-0005
45965 Stem cells and mechanisms contributing to human cortical malformations STEM-MCD ANR-15-NEUR-0006
45966 BRain Imaging, cognition, Dementia and next generation GEenomics- a Transdisciplinary approach to search for risk and protective factors of neurodegenerative disease BRIDGET ANR-15-JPWG-0001
45967 High-Throughput, High-Content Screening of human neuroectodermal organoids for innovative drug discovery in neurodegenerative diseases 3DMinBrain ANR-15-JPWG-0002
45968 Synaptic CIRCuit PROTection in AD and HD- BDNF-TrkB and Arc signaling as rescue factors CircProt ANR-15-JPWG-0003
45969 Deciphering Interactions of Acquired Risk Factors and ApoE-mediated Pathways in Alzheimer's Disease DACAPO-AD ANR-15-JPWG-0004
45970 European DNA bank to decipher the Alzheimer disease missing heritability EADB ANR-15-JPWG-0005
45971 Genomic Instability in Alzheimer?s Disease and Related Disorders- a Single-Cell Approach INSTALZ ANR-15-JPWG-0006
45972 Generation of Improved cellular and animal Models for identification of disease phenotype and new therapeutic targets of Alzheimer?s Disease MADGIC ANR-15-JPWG-0007
45973 Advanced models of polyglutamine disorders -HD, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7- ModelPolyQ ANR-15-JPWG-0008
45974 Development of a Novel Multicellular In Vitro Model of Alzheimer?s disease-like Blood-Brain Barrier NAB3 ANR-15-JPWG-0009