Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
54786 Méthodes moléculaires pour le stockage d'énergie et la production de carburant CAMELEON ANR-18-MPGA-0012
54787 Make Air Quality Great Again MAQGA ANR-18-MPGA-0011
54788 Changement climatique, migrations et systeme de santé CLIMHB ANR-18-MPGA-0010
54789 Purification de l'air par de nouveaux absorbants hybrides APPAT ANR-18-MPGA-0009
54790 Evaluation du modèle orienté processus - lien avec les observations POMELO ANR-18-MPGA-0007
54791 Climat de montagne, glaciers et dynamique du paysage MAGICLIM ANR-18-MPGA-0006
54792 Impact du changement climatique à l'échelle du kilomètre en Europe KMIMPACTS ANR-18-MPGA-0005
54793 Prévision du changement de la biodiversité FORBIC ANR-18-MPGA-0004
54794 Rôle des aérosols dans le climat EUROACE ANR-18-MPGA-0003
54795 Turbulence homogène de l'océan pour les simulateurs climatiques CONTACTS ANR-18-MPGA-0002
54796 The European Leukemia Institute THEMA ANR-18-IBHU-0003
54797 PRecISion Medicine Institute in oncology PRISM ANR-18-IBHU-0002
54798 PreciDIAB Institute, the holistic approach of personal diabets care PreciDIAB ANR-18-IBHU-0001
54799 Paris Nord Graduate School in Mathematics and Computer Science PNGS-M&CS ANR-18-EURE-0024
54800 Mathematics and Interactions in Toulouse MINT ANR-18-EURE-0023
54801 Digital Sports Sciences DIGISPORT ANR-18-EURE-0022
54802 Biotechnology Building Bio-based Economy BIOECO ANR-18-EURE-0021
54803 XLChem, Synthesizing our future XL Chem ANR-18-EURE-0020
54804 The Toulouse-Perpignan TULIP-GSR ANR-18-EURE-0019
54805 Toulouse Graduate School of Earth and Space Sciences TESS ANR-18-EURE-0018
54806 Transverse Actions between advanced Ceramics & TIC TACTIC ANR-18-EURE-0017
54807 Approach of Solar Integration in the Built SOLAR ANR-18-EURE-0016
54808 Greater Paris School of PLUral FRAncophonies, a graduate school of research on the POLitics of LAnguage FRAPP (PluFraPoLa) ANR-18-EURE-0015
54809 Plasma Science and Training PLASMA_ST ANR-18-EURE-0014
54810 Graduate School in Nano-optics and Nanophotonics NANO-PHOT ANR-18-EURE-0013
54811 Molecular Materials for Organic Electronics/Photonics LumoMat-E ANR-18-EURE-0012
54812 LIfe trajectories and health VulnErability LIVE ANR-18-EURE-0011
54813 Poitiers Graduate School on physico-chemical properties of INTerfaces for AeRonautic, Energy and Environment INTREE ANR-18-EURE-0010
54814 Interdisciplinary program on Mediterranean PLANT Production and Processing, Environment, Human Health and Sustainability IMPLANTEUS ANR-18-EURE-0009
54815 Graduate School for Creative Approaches to Public Space GS-CAPS ANR-18-EURE-0007
54816 Data Science for Economics, Finance and Management DATA EFM ANR-18-EURE-0005
54817 Rennes Graduate School of Cyber Security CyberSch ANR-18-EURE-0004
54818 Toulouse Graudate School of Cancer Ageing and REjuvenation CARE ANR-18-EURE-0003
54819 Biomedical Engineering Training Program BERTIP ANR-18-EURE-0002
54820 Archaeology in the present: global challenges in the light of the past ArChal ANR-18-EURE-0001
54821 SATE Linkinnov SATE Linkinnov ANR-17-SATE-0007
54822 Clermont Auvergne Innovation Clermont Auvergne Innovation ANR-17-SATE-0006
54823 SATE Aquitaine / La Rochelle SATE Aquitaine / La Rochelle ANR-17-SATE-0005
54824 Agence Alienor Transfert Agence Alienor Transfert ANR-17-SATE-0004
54825 C-Valo C-Valo ANR-17-SATE-0003
54826 Paris Sciences et Lettres Valorisation PSL Valorisation ANR-17-SATE-0002
54827 Normandie Valorisation Normandie Valorisation ANR-17-SATE-0001
54828 Small Modular Reactor SMR ANR-17-RSNR-0001
54829 New diagnostic and therapeutic solutions to cotrol bleeding complications during the use of mechanical circulatory support devices WILLASSISTHEART ANR-17-RHUS-0011
54830 Kidney Transplantation Diagnostics Innovation KTD-INNOV ANR-17-RHUS-0010
54831 Quantitative imaging in Diabetes - NASH QUID-NASH ANR-17-RHUS-0009
54832 Molecumar assaYs to PRedict Outcome in early Breast cancER MYPROBE ANR-17-RHUS-0008
54833 Quantitation of circulating viral RNAs as a new biomaker of Hepatitis B functional cure cirB-RNA ANR-17-RHUS-0003
54834 Next generation medicine for renal ciliopathies C'IL-LICO ANR-17-RHUS-0002
54835 Building an Atypie-Friendly ANR-17-NCUN-0017