57825 |
Essaims de robots collaboratifs sans communication numérique |
RoboSCo |
ANR-21-ASRO-0002 |
57826 |
Mémoires optiques fontctionnelles pour les réseaux de communication quantique à grande distance |
Qmemo |
ANR-22-PETQ-0010 |
57827 |
Distribution Quantique de clés avec des boites noires |
ANR-22-PETQ-0009 |
57828 |
Post-quantum padlock for web browser |
ANR-22-PETQ-0008 |
57829 |
Etude de la pile quantique : Algorithmes, modèles de calcul et simulation pour l'informatique quantique |
EPiQ |
ANR-22-PETQ-0007 |
57830 |
From NISQ to LSQ: Bosonic and LDPC codes |
ANR-22-PETQ-0006 |
57831 |
Capteurs Quantiques à Atomes Froids : mesure du Champ de pesanteur A toutes les échelles |
ANR-22-PETQ-0005 |
57832 |
Qubits à Atomes Froids pour la Simulation et le Calcul Quantiques |
QubitAF |
ANR-22-PETQ-0004 |
57833 |
Robust superconducting and hybrid quantum bits |
RobustSuperQ |
ANR-22-PETQ-0003 |
57834 |
Préparation des Si-Qubits pour l'Intégration à Large Echelle |
ANR-22-PETQ-0002 |
57835 |
Préparation des Si-Qubits pour l'Intégration à Large Echelle |
ANR-22-PETQ-0001 |
57836 |
SOLid storage of HYDdrogen: new strategies, new materials |
ANR-22-PEHY-0007 |
57837 |
Development of electrolysis cells based on proton conducting ceramics |
ANR-22-PEHY-0006 |
57838 |
Development of a PEMFC cell that can durably operate at 95°C |
ANR-22-PEHY-0005 |
57839 |
High pressure HYdrogen Storage Frame of reference and methodologies for materials |
HYperStock |
ANR-22-PEHY-0004 |
57840 |
FLEXIbilité des cellules SOC vis-à-vis du combustible |
FlexiSOC |
ANR-22-PEHY-0003 |
57841 |
Durability of Fuel Cell Systems |
DuraSyS PAC |
ANR-22-PEHY-0002 |
57842 |
Pilotage et gourvernance du programme Hydrogène |
Pilotage et gouvernance du programme Hydrogène |
ANR-22-PEHY-0001 |
57843 |
Conditions d'accès aux aides et politiques publiques de l'autonomie - Origines, implications et perspectives d'évolution de la segmentation par âge |
ANR-22-PAVH-0004 |
57844 |
Approches comparées des politiques de l'autonomie |
ANR-22-PAVH-0003 |
57845 |
Caractérisation des Interventions Autonomisantes dans l'accompagnement des personnes âgées et handicapées |
AtOrI |
ANR-22-PAVH-0002 |
57846 |
Régimes d'autonomie et configuration d'accomppagnement : instrumentation et territoires |
ANR-22-PAVH-0001 |
57847 |
Microbiota-centered interventions to solve antibiotics-induced primary resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors |
ANR-21-RHUS-0017 |
57848 |
Epigenetic re-programming of CAR T cells for solid tumors |
ANR-21-RHUS-0016 |
57849 |
Enhanced surgical kidney cancer care through digital and 3D technologies |
Digital Urology 3D |
ANR-21-RHUS-0015 |
57850 |
Transforming the care of patients with Multiple Sclerosis using a multidimensional data-driven clinical decision support system |
Primus |
ANR-21-RHUS-0014 |
57851 |
Reshape the EValuation Efficiency and Accuracy of non small cell Lung cancer |
ANR-21-RHUS-0013 |
57852 |
Optimisation and imProved Efficacy of targeted RAdioNuclide therapy in Digestive cancers by Imagomics |
ANR-21-RHUS-0012 |
57853 |
New technologies for a fast and personalized treatment of aortic lesions |
ANR-21-RHUS-0011 |
57854 |
Precision Medicine and Immunotherapy of Sarcoma |
ANR-21-RHUS-0010 |
57855 |
Improving FAMily members' Experience in the ICU |
ANR-21-RHUS-0009 |
57856 |
Covid-19 and interferons: from discovery to therapy |
ANR-21-RHUS-0008 |
57857 |
SMA Muscle Atrophy Remediative Therapy |
ANR-21-RHUS-0007 |
57858 |
Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Device incorporating a coaxial intra cardiac echography probe (ICE) for direct mitral annuloplasty |
ANR-21-RHUS-0006 |
57859 |
Lymphocyte-sparing AI-guided radio-immunotherapy |
ANR-21-RHUS-0005 |
57860 |
Development and clinical evaluation of an innovative medical device to predict premature birth: From basic research to obstetric emergencies |
PrediMAP |
ANR-21-RHUS-0004 |
57861 |
Organoid-based assays for functional personalized medicine strategies |
ANR-21-RHUS-0003 |
57862 |
Targeting Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts to tackle metastases and resistance to treatment in Triple Negative Breast Cancer |
ANR-21-RHUS-0002 |
57863 |
Deliver therapeuthic innovation for advanced hepatic diseases |
ANR-21-RHUS-0001 |
57864 |
Services provided by France Cohortes for Rare diseases |
France Cohortes |
ANR-21-PMRB-0012 |
57865 |
Long term outcome of oesophagial atresia : transomics profiles in adolescence |
TransEAsome |
ANR-21-PMRB-0011 |
57866 |
Preclinical approaches to the treatment of RASopathy patients through multiomics approach of their pathophysiology departing from a thoroughly described and annotated cohort of patients supported by a new, targeted European registry |
ANR-21-PMRB-0010 |
57867 |
A new French Rare Eye Diseases Database (FREDD) for Retinitis Pigmentosa phenotype/genotype research: RaReTiA a pilot Artificial Intelligence project |
RaReTiA |
ANR-21-PMRB-0009 |
57868 |
Remote assessment and artificial intelligence analysis to validate new outcome measures, biomarkers and therapeutic targets for FacioScapuloHumeral muscular dystrophy |
ANR-21-PMRB-0008 |
57869 |
Towards personalized medicine in a rare vascular genetic disease: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) |
ANR-21-PMRB-0007 |
57870 |
Mitochondrial Disease database : an integrated multi-OMICS approach |
ANR-21-PMRB-0006 |
57871 |
French-German cohort study to determine factors associated with weight loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: pathophysiological significance and the resulting therapeutic targets |
ANR-21-PMRB-0005 |
57872 |
FACE and SKULL for Key Innovative Data Science, a deep phenotyping data base of craniofacial anomalies in developing human |
FACES 4 Kids |
ANR-21-PMRB-0004 |
57873 |
European cystinosis cohort: towards new biomarkers and new therapeutic approaches |
ANR-21-PMRB-0003 |
57874 |
CDE.AI: Artificial Intelligence at the service of common data elements for rare diseases |
ANR-21-PMRB-0002 |