Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
124897 Musiques actuelles, transition écologique, territoires ECOMUSIQ ANR-23-SARP-0008
124898 Participations des Agricultures Urbaines à la recherche sur la production Zero-phyto de FRUITS PAUZAFRUITS ANR-23-SARP-0007
124899 Le lien emploi-logement dans la logistique en Ile-de-France : une recherche-création participative RECREALOG-IDF ANR-23-SARP-0006
124900 Résidence participative pour l'analyse des pratiques de création ludique et de la diversité des mécaniques de jeu RESILUDIQUE ANR-23-SARP-0005
124901 Conception d'un outil multidimensionnel d'évaluation de la douleur chez les femmes : Phase de co-construction de la problématique et de la méthodologie. DOLORA ANR-23-SARP-0004
124902 solutions pour une résilience urbaine- Haute Alsace SURE-BA ANR-23-SARP-0003
124903 Orientation pluraliste de la Recherche sur les Risques Chroniques - Initiatives sur le territoire de Dunkerque pour l'Environnement et la Santé ORRCH-IDEeS ANR-23-SARP-0002
124904 Design Collaboratif d'un Jeu Vidéo Actif pour les Seniors CORDAGES ANR-23-SARP-0001
125006 Architecture en terre, traditions et patrimoine. Durabilité de l'architecture et pratiques sociales des communautés néolithiques au Proche-Orient et dans ses marges. EArTH ANR-23-AERC-0030
125007 Development and validation of hospital wastewater and aquatic environment sampling for sentinel surveillance of antimicrobial resistance RESERVOIR ANR-23-AAMR-0007
125008 Improving detection and diagnosis of antimicrobial resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus IMPROVE-ASP ANR-23-AAMR-0006
125009 Bridging the gap between environment and patient; investigating the risk and transmission of antifungal resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus GAP-AFR ANR-23-AAMR-0005
125010 Augmented Rehabilitation of Digestive Surgical Emergencies through the integration of e-health and Artificial Intelligence technologies RAUC ANR-23-RHUS-0019
125011 Rapid Evaluation of Molecular & Immune Status for Stratified Immunotherapies in Oncology REMISSION ANR-23-RHUS-0018
125012 Mast cells and basophils in sickle cell disease SICKMAST ANR-23-RHUS-0017
125013 Innovative remote and precision imaging tools for early intervention in Crohn's disease I-DEAL ANR-23-RHUS-0016
125014 Digital prediction and management of cardioembolic stroke risk TALENT ANR-23-RHUS-0015
125015 exTRACellular vesicles as biomarKers Liver-Track ANR-23-RHUS-0014
125016 Improving the intracranial ICA patient trajectory using digital and multimodal tools eCAN (RHU 5) ANR-23-RHUS-0013
125017 Artificial Intelligence - clinical TRIals Optimization for oncology with Multimodal PatHology AI-TRIOMPH ANR-23-RHUS-0012
125018 pREoperative 3D REconstruction in REal time for a better REflexion in bone REpair and a better pREcision in fractuREs REduction using mixed REality and printed-3D model REplications to a better patient Recovery: the REBone Project REBone ANR-23-RHUS-0011
125019 Lung cancer prevention and interception LUCA-pi ANR-23-RHUS-0010
125020 A synergistic approach to accelerate therapeutic innovation in cutaneous SPRINT ANR-23-RHUS-0009
125021 Platelet repair system-based biotherapy of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis combining theragnostic biomarkers SECRET-GIFT ANR-23-RHUS-0008
125022 ENhanced Valves Interventions and Safe AI Generated End results ENVISAGE ANR-23-RHUS-0007
125023 TransformIng the Prognosis of InTraCerebral Haemorrhage TIPITCH ANR-23-RHUS-0006
125024 Augmented Treg cell therapy to achieve operational tolerance to Transplanted allogeneic solid organs AUGMENTREG ANR-23-RHUS-0005
125025 Biomedical Innovation for Facial Bone reconstruction in oncology BIOFACE ANR-23-RHUS-0004
125026 Clinical evaluation of an innate immune system immunostimulant in oncology SyStInn ANR-23-RHUS-0003
125027 Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in potassium channel developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (K-DEEs) using 4P for medicine Innov4-ePiK ANR-23-RHUS-0002
125028 Développement et validation de la valeur médicale d'une technologie de phagogramme et de formulations innovantes de phages thérapeutiques THERAPHAGE ANR-23-RHUS-0001
125029 Producing, processing and innovating on the farm: a multi-performing system for relocating and diversifying the food supply of legume proteins VEG&LAIT ANR-23-PLEG-0006
125030 Nitrogen valorization from field to consumers: case of lentil and chickpea VALON ANR-23-PLEG-0005
125031 Development of slightly processed PULSE-based Foods and recIpes to meet the needs of Consumers and agricultural secTor and Improve fOod sustaiNability PULSE-FICTION ANR-23-PLEG-0004
125032 Protein Utilization and production in Lupinus: Species Association-driven Reviving of an orphan legume species PULSAR ANR-23-PLEG-0003
125033 Optimization of microbial interactions for sustainable production of legume proteins, beneficial for the environment and health OPTILEG ANR-23-PLEG-0002
125034 Succesfully inserting grain legumes in food and cropping systems INSERER LES ANR-23-PLEG-0001
125035 Pilotage et gouvernance du programme ICCARE Pilotage et gouvernance du programme ICCARE ANR-23-PEIC-0001
125036 Turbolab technological platform shared between Akira Technology (Akira) and ESTIA (Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées - ESTIA) in the field of design and validation of new turbomachines. Turbolab is a test platform dedicated to the d TURBOLAB ANR-23-INDF-0005
125037 Plateau d'Innovation pour l'Industrie du Futur PIIF ANR-23-INDF-0004
125038 Nano-fabrication of 3D meta-surfaces, by massively parallelized multi-photon polymerization process, for various applications in the photonics field. NANOSHAPE ANR-23-INDF-0003
125039 Ligne Pilote 4.0 LP 4.0 ANR-23-INDF-0002
125041 alternative PROteinS : Production, ExtraCTion, dryIng, Ingredients Valorisation, for the improvement of protEins Sustainability in human diet PROSPECTIVES ANR-23-DIVP-0006
125042 To propose new foods and dietary ingredients rich enriched in proteins from different species of cultivated macro-algae for the health sector PROMALG-HEALTH ANR-23-DIVP-0005
125043 Interest of oilseeds in the diversification of food proteins - The case of Camelina OLEOPROTID ANR-23-DIVP-0004
125044 Toward mildly-processed and multifunctional protein-based ingredients of vegetable co-products rich in healthy lipids M2ProLIV ANR-23-DIVP-0003
125045 Development of insect biorefinery -Production of flour and protein isolates with high added value for food INSECTION ANR-23-DIVP-0002
125046 SCPs: From Bioproduction to the Evaluation of Functional, Nutritional, Toxicological Properties and Societal Impacts µO-PROT ANR-23-DIVP-0001
125047 Plateforme de Deep Learning open source et indépendante dédiée à l'embarqué DEEPGREEN ANR-23-DEGR-0001