48561 |
Suspensions rhéo-épaississantes : des outils innovants pour une nouvelle hydrodynamique |
ScienceFriction |
ANR-18-CE30-0024 |
33245 |
Suspensions à seuil : de la microstructure au comportement |
ANR-10-JCJC-0905 |
45017 |
Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration |
SuSI |
ANR-16-SUSN-0004 |
45018 |
Sustainability of pig production through improved feed efficiency |
SusPig |
ANR-16-SUSN-0005 |
46046 |
Sustainable Air conditioning Using Desiccant membrane System |
ANR-15-NMED-0007 |
98215 |
Sustainable City and Smart Buildings Information System Center |
ANR-22-PEVD-0002 |
27168 |
Sustainable Development of Palm Oil Production: Designing strategies from improved knowledge on oil palm cropping systems |
ANR-11-AGRO-0007 |
98114 |
Sustainable Operations in Urban Logistics |
ANR-22-ENUA-0002 |
54669 |
Sustainable Pest Control In Fabaceae-rich Innovative Cropping Systems |
ANR-20-PCPA-0008 |
49162 |
Sustainable Processing of Agrofood Residues to Elicitors and Chemicals |
ANR-18-SUS2-0001 |
45019 |
Sustainable Sheep Production |
SusSheP |
ANR-16-SUSN-0001 |
45869 |
Sustainable Structural and Multifunctional Biocomposites from Hybrid Natural Fibres. |
ANR-15-MRSE-0011 |
46026 |
Sustainable Tomato Production: plant defense enhancement, development of new biopesticides and optimization of environmental, water and chemical inputs |
STomP |
ANR-15-ARM2-0003 |
45014 |
Sustainable and Efficient Mediterranean farming systems: Improving Agriculture Resilience through Irrigation and Diversification. |
ANR-16-ARM2-0007 |
41492 |
Sustainable and environmental friendly rice cultivation systems in Europe |
GreenRice |
ANR-14-JFAC-0005 |
49045 |
Sustainable intensification of fruit production systems through innovative pest biological control technologies |
Pest free fruit |
ANR-18-LEAP-0006 |
56886 |
Sustainable management and planning of hydropower generation in West Africa under climate change and land use/land cover dynamics |
ANR-21-SDG1-0007 |
36799 |
Sustainable manufacturing of solution-processed devices on flexible substrates using nanohybrid materials |
SusManuf |
ANR-13-G8ME-0002 |
49163 |
Sustainable production of health-promoting n-3 LCPUFA using agro food industry by-products through microalgae |
ANR-18-SUS2-0002 |
41451 |
Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes |
Eco-serve |
ANR-14-EBID-0003 |
66841 |
Sustainable traditional medicine in French Polynesia: a focus on antidiarrheal remedies. |
ANR-22-CE03-0001 |
46047 |
Sustainable wastewater treatment coupled to energy recovery with microbial electrochemical technologies |
ANR-15-NMED-0010 |
61297 |
Sustainable water reuse practices improving safety in agriculture, food and environment |
ANR-22-PRIM-0002 |
98339 |
Sustaining the Antibiotic Infrastructure : Tools, Actors, Controversies |
ANR-22-PAMR-0007 |
35538 |
Switching et transmission |
ANR-12-CHRI-0009 |
109889 |
SydFluo: Dérivés de Sydnones comme électrophiles masqués pour le marquage fluorescent covalent |
SydFluo |
ANR-23-CE07-0041 |
28117 |
Symbiose Imagerie et spectroscopies (fluorescence, réflectance et raman) appliquée au diagnostic in vitro et in vivo de la nature précancéreuse de polypes (adénomes) et cancers débutants (carcinomes) du colon. |
ANR-06-TECS-0013 |
48209 |
Symbiose bénéfique hôte-microbiote durant une sous nutrition chronique: Enveloppe bactérienne et promotion de la croissance linéaire |
SymEnvLop |
ANR-18-CE15-0011 |
109785 |
Symbiose hote-microbote et adaptation bactérienne dans l'environnement intestinal |
ANR-23-CE15-0018 |
109931 |
Symbioses inter-domaine archées-bactéries pour déchiffrer l'eucaryogénèse |
ANR-23-CE02-0016 |
34933 |
Symbioses réticulaires adaptées à des contextes urbains soutenables |
ANR-11-VILD-0008 |
3127 |
Symbiosis, digestion and reproduction as Aphid physiological processes to identify new targets for insecticides |
ANR-07-GPLA-0002 |
4152 |
Symmetric Encryption with QUantum key Renewal |
ANR-07-SESU-0011 |
36827 |
Symétrie miroir et singularités irrégulières provenant de la physique |
ANR-13-IS01-0001 |
51882 |
Symétries et espaces de modules en géométrie algébrique et physique |
ANR-20-CE40-0026 |
56205 |
Synapse Spintronique Metaplastique |
SPlaSy |
ANR-21-CE24-0008 |
45976 |
Synapse-to-nucleus communication in Alzheimer's disease |
ANR-15-JPWG-0011 |
44873 |
Synapses: des molécules à la compréhension des mécanismes pathologiques impliqués dans les maladies de la synapse |
ANR-16-MRS3-0021 |
45968 |
Synaptic CIRCuit PROTection in AD and HD- BDNF-TrkB and Arc signaling as rescue factors |
CircProt |
ANR-15-JPWG-0003 |
54377 |
Synaptic Dysfunction in Intellectual Disability Caused by SYNGAP1. Translational Research to Develop Human Models and Advance Pharmacological Treatments. |
ANR-17-NEU3-0006 |
44809 |
Synaptic correlates of learning and memory dysfunction analysed by super-resolution STED microscopy in the hippocampus in vivo |
COEN3018 |
ANR-16-COEN-0003 |
41556 |
Synaptic plasticity rules under physiological conditions for hippocampus and cerebellum |
ANR-14-NEUC-0004 |
27524 |
Synchronie neuronale et épilepsie humain: seuil, pacemaker et visualisation. |
ANR-05-NEUR-0044 |
36140 |
Synchronie, développement précoce et psychopathologie |
ANR-12-SAMA-0006 |
34291 |
Synchronisation par horloge distribuée en vue d'application à la cryptographie quantique du future sur longue distance |
ANR-11-EMMA-0002 |
29817 |
Synchronization of the circadian neuronal network that controls rest-activity rhythms in Drosophila |
clocknet |
ANR-08-BLAN-0150 |
29732 |
Synchrotron Radiaton for Tandem Mass Spectrometry |
SR M52 |
ANR-08-BLAN-0065 |
48297 |
Syncytines pour l'ingénierie du génome des lymphocytes B |
ANR-18-CE18-0022 |
48462 |
Syndicalisme au quotidien en Afrique |
SyndiQuAf |
ANR-18-CE26-0008 |
4069 |
Syndication ouverte, simple et efficace de flux RSS |
ANR-07-MDCO-0011 |