Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
48561 Suspensions rhéo-épaississantes : des outils innovants pour une nouvelle hydrodynamique ScienceFriction ANR-18-CE30-0024
33245 Suspensions à seuil : de la microstructure au comportement SUSPASEUIL ANR-10-JCJC-0905
45017 Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration SuSI ANR-16-SUSN-0004
45018 Sustainability of pig production through improved feed efficiency SusPig ANR-16-SUSN-0005
46046 Sustainable Air conditioning Using Desiccant membrane System SOL-COOL-DRY ANR-15-NMED-0007
98215 Sustainable City and Smart Buildings Information System Center SIVDBI ANR-22-PEVD-0002
27168 Sustainable Development of Palm Oil Production: Designing strategies from improved knowledge on oil palm cropping systems SPOP ANR-11-AGRO-0007
98114 Sustainable Operations in Urban Logistics SOUL ANR-22-ENUA-0002
54669 Sustainable Pest Control In Fabaceae-rich Innovative Cropping Systems SPECIFICS ANR-20-PCPA-0008
49162 Sustainable Processing of Agrofood Residues to Elicitors and Chemicals SPAREC ANR-18-SUS2-0001
45019 Sustainable Sheep Production SusSheP ANR-16-SUSN-0001
45869 Sustainable Structural and Multifunctional Biocomposites from Hybrid Natural Fibres. SSUCHY ANR-15-MRSE-0011
46026 Sustainable Tomato Production: plant defense enhancement, development of new biopesticides and optimization of environmental, water and chemical inputs STomP ANR-15-ARM2-0003
45014 Sustainable and Efficient Mediterranean farming systems: Improving Agriculture Resilience through Irrigation and Diversification. SEMIARID ANR-16-ARM2-0007
41492 Sustainable and environmental friendly rice cultivation systems in Europe GreenRice ANR-14-JFAC-0005
49045 Sustainable intensification of fruit production systems through innovative pest biological control technologies Pest free fruit ANR-18-LEAP-0006
56886 Sustainable management and planning of hydropower generation in West Africa under climate change and land use/land cover dynamics SUSTAINDAM ANR-21-SDG1-0007
36799 Sustainable manufacturing of solution-processed devices on flexible substrates using nanohybrid materials SusManuf ANR-13-G8ME-0002
49163 Sustainable production of health-promoting n-3 LCPUFA using agro food industry by-products through microalgae SUSPUFA ANR-18-SUS2-0002
41451 Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes Eco-serve ANR-14-EBID-0003
66841 Sustainable traditional medicine in French Polynesia: a focus on antidiarrheal remedies. SUSTAINMEDPOL ANR-22-CE03-0001
46047 Sustainable wastewater treatment coupled to energy recovery with microbial electrochemical technologies WE-MET ANR-15-NMED-0010
61297 Sustainable water reuse practices improving safety in agriculture, food and environment SAFE ANR-22-PRIM-0002
98339 Sustaining the Antibiotic Infrastructure : Tools, Actors, Controversies STATIC ANR-22-PAMR-0007
35538 Switching et transmission STAR ANR-12-CHRI-0009
109889 SydFluo: Dérivés de Sydnones comme électrophiles masqués pour le marquage fluorescent covalent SydFluo ANR-23-CE07-0041
28117 Symbiose Imagerie et spectroscopies (fluorescence, réflectance et raman) appliquée au diagnostic in vitro et in vivo de la nature précancéreuse de polypes (adénomes) et cancers débutants (carcinomes) du colon. DIAPRECA ANR-06-TECS-0013
48209 Symbiose bénéfique hôte-microbiote durant une sous nutrition chronique: Enveloppe bactérienne et promotion de la croissance linéaire SymEnvLop ANR-18-CE15-0011
109785 Symbiose hote-microbote et adaptation bactérienne dans l'environnement intestinal BACFIT ANR-23-CE15-0018
109931 Symbioses inter-domaine archées-bactéries pour déchiffrer l'eucaryogénèse ABiSYM ANR-23-CE02-0016
34933 Symbioses réticulaires adaptées à des contextes urbains soutenables SYRACUSE ANR-11-VILD-0008
3127 Symbiosis, digestion and reproduction as Aphid physiological processes to identify new targets for insecticides APHICIBLES ANR-07-GPLA-0002
4152 Symmetric Encryption with QUantum key Renewal SEQURE ANR-07-SESU-0011
36827 Symétrie miroir et singularités irrégulières provenant de la physique SISYPH ANR-13-IS01-0001
51882 Symétries et espaces de modules en géométrie algébrique et physique SMAGP ANR-20-CE40-0026
56205 Synapse Spintronique Metaplastique SPlaSy ANR-21-CE24-0008
45976 Synapse-to-nucleus communication in Alzheimer's disease STAD ANR-15-JPWG-0011
44873 Synapses: des molécules à la compréhension des mécanismes pathologiques impliqués dans les maladies de la synapse SYNAPTODIS ANR-16-MRS3-0021
45968 Synaptic CIRCuit PROTection in AD and HD- BDNF-TrkB and Arc signaling as rescue factors CircProt ANR-15-JPWG-0003
54377 Synaptic Dysfunction in Intellectual Disability Caused by SYNGAP1. Translational Research to Develop Human Models and Advance Pharmacological Treatments. TREAT-SNGAP ANR-17-NEU3-0006
44809 Synaptic correlates of learning and memory dysfunction analysed by super-resolution STED microscopy in the hippocampus in vivo COEN3018 ANR-16-COEN-0003
41556 Synaptic plasticity rules under physiological conditions for hippocampus and cerebellum SYNCITY ANR-14-NEUC-0004
27524 Synchronie neuronale et épilepsie humain: seuil, pacemaker et visualisation. SYNCHRONIE ANR-05-NEUR-0044
36140 Synchronie, développement précoce et psychopathologie SYNED-PSY ANR-12-SAMA-0006
34291 Synchronisation par horloge distribuée en vue d'application à la cryptographie quantique du future sur longue distance CONNEQT ANR-11-EMMA-0002
29817 Synchronization of the circadian neuronal network that controls rest-activity rhythms in Drosophila clocknet ANR-08-BLAN-0150
29732 Synchrotron Radiaton for Tandem Mass Spectrometry SR M52 ANR-08-BLAN-0065
48297 Syncytines pour l'ingénierie du génome des lymphocytes B SYN-B ANR-18-CE18-0022
48462 Syndicalisme au quotidien en Afrique SyndiQuAf ANR-18-CE26-0008
4069 Syndication ouverte, simple et efficace de flux RSS ROSES ANR-07-MDCO-0011