Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
55264 Toulouse White Biotechnology (campus) Toulouse White Biotechnology (campus) ANR-10-CAMP-0403-01
56819 Tourbillons de fumées s'élevant dans la stratosphère ASTuS ANR-21-CE01-0007
98176 Toute l'Intelligence Artificielle à Rennes TIARe ANR-23-CMAS-0016
42967 Toward Deterministic and Predictable Industrial 4.0 TPI ANR-17-CE10-0007
51273 Toward PrecisiOn Medicine for the Prediction of Treatment response in major depressive disorder through stratification of combined clinical and -omics signatures PROMPT ANR-20-PERM-0003
45009 Toward a CAmel tRAnsnational VAlue chaiN CA.RA.VA.N ANR-16-ARM2-0002
46035 Toward a sustainable viticulture: Improved grapevine productivity and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses by combining resistant cultivars and beneficial microorganisms VitiSmart ANR-15-SUSF-0005
45985 Toward a tool for farmers to evaluate welfare states of pigs- measuring vocal indicators of emotions SOUNDWEL ANR-15-ANWA-0008
45295 Toward an Integrated View of Transcription Terminator Rho Functions and Mechanisms IntegRhoMe ANR-15-CE11-0024
98231 Toward highlY Predictable Editing of the plant genome leXicon. TYPEX ANR-22-PESV-0002
125044 Toward mildly-processed and multifunctional protein-based ingredients of vegetable co-products rich in healthy lipids M2ProLIV ANR-23-DIVP-0003
128199 Toward politicization and requalification of the subsurface VERTIQUAL ANR-22-EXSS-0008
37267 Towards A Smart Rural Europe TASTE ANR-13-RURA-0002
3612 Towards Colloidal Molecules and Functional Materials Towards colloïd ANR-07-BLAN-0271
51432 Towards EXtreme scale Technologies and Accelerators for euROhpc hw/Sw Supercomputing Applications for exascale TEXTAROSSA ANR-20-EHPC-0008
37266 Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs between Economic development and Ecosystem services TRUSTEE ANR-13-RURA-0001
2410 Towards Reliable, Fast and Versatile Quantum Secured Networks HQNET ANR-06-TCOM-0032
55612 Towards Resilient and sUStainable integrated agro-ecosystems Through appropriate climate-smart FARMing practices TRUSTFARM ANR-21-FOSC-0005
45072 Towards Ubiquitous GRAphene based RF COmmunications ? demonstrating and understanding graphene based plasmonic THz antenna potential and limitations TUGRACO ANR-15-GRFL-0011
98093 Towards a PREcise DIagnosis in Ciliopathies PREDICT ANR-22-RAR4-0008
3872 Towards a Syntactic Atlas of the Basque Language TSABL ANR-07-CORP-0033
50668 Towards a Unified theory of biotic Interactions: the roLe of environmental TULIP ANR-10-LABX-0041
144061 Towards a better understanding of coastal risks, past to future, preparing our societies to challenge global change IRICOT ANR-22-EXIR-0004
119103 Towards a biome-scale monitoring of the COngo basin FORest FUNCtional composition CoForFunc ANR-23-EBIP-0002
44968 Towards a combined post-exposure prophylaxis and successful treatment of rabies in humans ToRRENT ANR-16-IFEC-0006
82835 Towards a personalized medicine approach to psychological treatment for psychosis PERMEPSY ANR-22-PERM-0009
46027 Towards a sustainable agriculture by increasing plant tolerance to bioticstress under climatic change BacPlant ANR-15-ARM2-0004
143951 Towards a useful quantum advantage TouQan ANR-24-QUA2-0004
128110 Towards an early-warning tool predicting enteric virus contamination in coastal watersheds PreVir ANR-23-W4AP-0005
3418 Towards dielectric material nano-morphing with ultra-fast lasers Nanomorphing ANR-07-BLAN-0301
357 Towards drought tolerance of maize yield: Genetics and genomics of growth maintenance. WATERLESS ANR-05-GPLA-0034
124917 Towards druggable targets in Alzheimer's disease through characterization of PLCG2-related pathways in neurons and microglia AD-PLCG2 ANR-23-JPW2-0003
1238 Towards improvement of water use efficiency in plants : integrated approaches to control stomatal aperture and transpirational water loss STOMATE ANR-06-BLAN-0122
52911 Towards intensification of conifer production through multi-varietal forestry based on somatic embryogenesis MULTIFOREVER ANR-19-SUM2-0002
57869 Towards personalized medicine in a rare vascular genetic disease: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) PAMPERO ANR-21-PMRB-0007
45027 Towards real-time monitoring of Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticides production using laser Speckle imaging within a Mediterranean area network BIOSMAN ANR-16-NME1-0001
98361 Towards spin-based THz technology TOAST ANR-22-EXSP-0003
56888 Towards sustainable community-based mitigation of rodent issues in African cities SCARIA ANR-21-SDG1-0005
82832 Towards the most accurate diagnosis and monitoring of Complement-mediated rare kidney diseases COMPRare ANR-22-RAR4-0007
44366 ToxME: une approche in silico intégrative pour comprendre des mécanismes de polymorphisme et des effets secondaires de médicaments liés a des enzymes du métabolisme ToxME ANR-16-CE18-0025
30561 Toxicité amyloïde et modèles expérimentaux de mort neuronale de type Alzheimer AMYTOXTAU ANR-08-MNPS-0002
44410 Toxicité d'un contaminant alimentaire majeur, la fumonisine: rôle du métabolisme lipidique et stratégie nutritionnelle de détoxication Fumolip ANR-16-CE21-0003
44658 Toxicité de l'uranium: Approche multi-échelles du processus de biomineralisation dans les os TURBO ANR-16-CE34-0003
33522 Toxicité de l'ypérite : marqueurs moléculaires de l'exposition et de son traitement ToxYp ANR-10-SECU-0002
56471 Toxicité de la DOXorubicine : un modèle d'étude du rôle des mécanismes EPIgénétiques dans l'induction de la SENescence cellulaire DOX-EPISEN ANR-21-CE14-0031
48364 Toxicité et remédiation de la Versicolorine A, une nouvelle toxine fongique VersiTox ANR-18-CE21-0009
44354 Toxicité mitochondriale des médicaments et stéatose hépatique. Généralisation de la relation causale pour le développement de nouveaux tests prédictifs. MITOXDRUGS ANR-16-CE18-0010
57779 Toxicité pour l'homme de micro- et nanoplastiques ingérés, en combinaison avec des polluants environnementaux métalliques PLASTOX ANR-21-CE34-0028
958 Toxicologie des Nanoparticules : Influence de la taille, de la composition chimique et de la réactivité de surface sur leurs effets pulmonaires et rénaux ANR-05-SEST-0024 ANR-05-SEST-0024
48615 Toxicologie systémique d'un mélange de polluants libérés par des tissus adipeux greffés CREATIvE ANR-18-CE34-0001