Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
16883 Marketing Intelligence and Planning 0263-4503 Emerald
16884 Marketing Letters 0923-0645 Springer Verlag
16885 Marketing Theory 1470-5931 SAGE Publications
16886 Markup Languages Theory and Practice 1099-6621 MIT Press
16887 MARS : the International Journal of Mars Science and Exploration 1548-1921 Mars Informatics Inc
16888 Mass Spectrometry Reviews 0277-7037 Wiley
16889 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 0921-9668 Springer Verlag
16890 Materials Research Innovations 1432-8917 Maney Publishing
16891 Materials & Design 0261-3069 Elsevier
16892 Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion 0947-5117 Wiley-VCH Verlag
16894 Materials Characterization 1044-5803 Elsevier
16895 Materials Chemistry 0390-6035 Elsevier
16896 Materials Chemistry and Physics 0254-0584 Elsevier
16897 Materials Letters 0167-577X Elsevier
16898 Materials Research Bulletin 0025-5408 Elsevier
16899 Materials Science 1068-820X Springer Verlag
16903 Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 0927-796X Elsevier
16904 Materials Science Reports 0920-2307 Elsevier
16905 Materials Today 1369-7021 Elsevier
16906 Materials Transactions 1345-9678 Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai
16907 Materials Science and Engineering Technology / Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 0933-5137 Wiley-VCH Verlag
16909 Matériaux et Constructions 0025-5432 Springer-Verlag
16910 Maternal and Child Nutrition 1740-8695 Wiley
16911 Maternal and Child Health Journal 1092-7875 Springer Verlag
16914 Mathematical Biosciences 0025-5564 Elsevier
16915 Mathematical Cognition 1354-6791 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
16916 Mathematical Engineering in Industry 0169-121X Brill Academic Publishers
16917 Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 Wiley
16918 Mathematical Geology 0882-8121 Springer Verlag
16919 Mathematical Medicine and Biology 1477-8599 Oxford University Press (OUP)
16921 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 Springer Verlag
16923 ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 0764-583X EDP Sciences
16924 Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 0218-2025 World Scientific Publishing
16925 Matematicheskie Zametki / Mathematical Notes 0001-4346 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
16926 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1385-0172 Springer Verlag
16927 Mathematical Population Studies 0889-8480 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
16724 Learned Publishing 0953-1513 Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
16725 Learning and Memory 1072-0502 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
16726 Learning and Instruction 0959-4752 Elsevier
16727 Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 0938-8982 Wiley
16728 Learning Environments Research 1387-1579 Springer Verlag
16729 Learning in Health and Social Care 1473-6853 Wiley
16730 Learning, Media and Technology 1743-9884 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
16731 LWT - Food Science and Technology 0023-6438 Elsevier
16732 LECZENIE YWIENIOWE I METABOLICZNE 1733-7607 Blackhorse Publishing
16733 LECZENIE RAN 1733-4301 Blackhorse Publishing
16734 Legal and Criminological Psychology 1355-3259 Wiley
16735 Legal Issues of European Integration 0377-0915 Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
16736 Legal Medicine 1344-6223 Elsevier
16737 Legislative Studies Quarterly 0362-9805 Comparative Legislative Research Center