Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
58745 Biomed Eng
58748 Comput Med Imag Grap
58749 Sciencepaper Online
58750 Computer Applications
58752 Int J Biomed Imaging
58754 Int J Telemed Appl
58756 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine
58763 Quaderni di Bérénice
58764 東方學志 (Tongbang hakchi)
58765 Bérénice
58766 Igitur
58767 Tongbang hakchi 東方學志
58773 Les carnets du temps
58777 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat
58779 Papeles de Europa
58788 Eur J Phys Rehabil Med
58793 Athenäum. Jahrbuch für Romantik
58795 The Journal of Operational Risk
58796 in Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion, (Collected Works, Vol. 3), F. Smarandache and J. Dezert (Editors), American Research Press
58798 Review of Middle East Studies
58809 01 Informatique 0298-2285 Groupe Tests
58816 South African Archaeological Society Goodwin Series
58819 GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering
58820 cacm
58822 Joint Bulletin of NCC and IIS. Series: Computer Science
58823 TPLP
58824 Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence
58830 International Journal of nanoelctronics and materials
58831 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte
58832 Literaturwissenschaft und Nationalsozialismus
58834 Ship Technology Research (ISSN: 0937-7255)
58836 Int. J. of Product Development
58842 Computing Systems University of California Press
58843 AFCET Interfaces AFCET
58844 IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee Newsletter on Operating Systems and Application Environments IEEE Computer Society
58845 IX-Magazine 0980-1529 Publications GRD
58847 Technè 1254-7867 Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France
58848 Scientia Poetica. Jahrbuch für Geschichte der Literatur und der Wissenschaften 1431-5041 Walter de Gruyter & Co
58850 Tópicos del Seminario: Revista de Semiótica 1665-1200 Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
58855 Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering
58856 Opt Express
58857 Soil Biol. Biochem
58859 Cahier d'ÉtudeS
58863 ATTI dell'Istituto Italiano di Navigazione
58866 News Letter Corpus Vitrearum
58867 Calphad-computer coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry
58868 Revue d'Ingénierie Numérique collaborative
58870 International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management (IJOQM)
58871 Dynamis 0211-9536 x
58876 Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Engineering