Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
78882 Extraction et gestion des connaissances
78884 Networked Digital Technologies
78885 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Hindawi
78889 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 2192-4406 Springer
78895 The journal of energy markets 1756-3607 Infopro Digital
78897 International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications
78899 IGA News
78907 Avanced Nonlinear Studies
78910 Agrarforschung Schweiz - Recherche Agronomique Suisse
78915 C.R.A.S. série IIb Paris
78916 Journal Forestier Suisse
78925 Proceedings WGC 2005
78930 International Journal of Vehicular Technology 1687-5702 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
78933 Etudes et sources
78937 NoDEA Nonlinear Di erential Equations and Applications
78939 Rendiconti Seminario Matematica Torino
79660 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 1005-264X Chinese Academy of Sciences
79662 IARIA Journals
79665 Materialwiss. Werkstofftech
79666 Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik
79667 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
79672 Intercultural Communication Studies
79679 Medioevo Romanzo 0390-0711 Società per il Medioevo romanzo
79686 Revue de linguistique française et d'analyse de la langue
79695 PCM Ponts & Chaussées Magazine
79702 Bulletin de la Société Tournaisienne de Géologie
79703 Wireless Engineering and Technology 2152-2294 Scientific Research Publishing
79705 Kineon
79709 International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications
79710 Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica
79719 IEEE J. Emerging and Sel. Topics in Circuits and Syst
79722 URASIP Journal on Wireless Comm. and Netw., Special Issue on ''Advances in Error Control Coding Techniques
79725 Real World Economics
79743 Journal de la chaire CTSC
79746 Вопросы ономастики [Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics)]
79747 Media Synchronization Workshop 2012
79748 Information, Technology and People
79749 Clinical and Translational Medicine 2001-1326 Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag
79756 Encyclopedia of Ancient History
79757 Journal of Teaching Physical Education
79758 Topics in Chemistry and Materials Science
79759 La revue du patrimoine d'Arbois et son canton
79760 Topics in Chemistry and Material Science
79761 Journal of Distance Education
79763 Setit 2012: 6th international conference, Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications
79764 International Journal of Physical Education, a Review Publication
79766 Product Lifecycle Management. Towards Knowledge-Rich Enterprises
79770 IPIN '12 : International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
79772 EMBC 2012: International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
79775 ISBI 2012: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging