Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
159589 Higher Education Quarterly 0951-5224
159590 Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 2651-5237 DergiPark
159593 SICOT-J EDP Open
159597 ISTE Openscience ISTE Ltd
159598 Mathematics in the Visual Arts ISTE-WILEY Ltd
159599 Fatherly
159600 PsyPost
159601 Bulletin of Glaciological Research 1345-3807
159602 Augustinian Studies 0094-5323 The Journal of the Augustinian Institute at Villanova University
159605 Verbo (Madrid) 0210-4784 Fundación Speiro
159607 Cerveau & Psycho 2115-7197 Pour la science
159610 Actes de colloque PRUNE Perspectives de Recherches sur les Usages du Numérique dans l'Éducation
159611 Achetons public 2554-1935 Compagnie des dirigeants et acheteurs de France
159612 DAMALS Kon­ra­din Me­di­en GmbH
159613 Revista 180 0718-2309
159614 Revista Perspectivas: Notas sobre intervención y acción social
159615 Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
159616 geografica polonica journal 0016-7282
159619 Scientific Review 2413-8835 Academic Research Publishing Group
159622 Perspectives on Language and Literacy
159981 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2210-271X
159984 Journal of Fusion Energy 0164-0313
159985 Comptes Rendus Physique Elsevier
159986 The Friends of Czech Heritage
159988 Arquivos do Museu de História Natural
159989 Museologia Scientifica
159990 Revista de Historia, Patrimonio, Arqueología y Antropología Americana
159992 Children 2227-9067 MDPI
159993 Recherches contemporaines Université Paris X Nanterre
159994 Revue de l'OURS
159995 Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia - Series A: Vertebrata 1895-3123
159996 Histoire & Mémoire Editions Lucien Souny
159997 Ecrire le social Association Internationale pour la Formation, la Recherche et l’Intervention Sociale
159998 Rivista storica del socialismo 2499-6351 Biblion Edizioni (Milano)
159999 Courants 1146-5786
160002 Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 0142-4319
160003 Research in Veterinary Science 0034-5288
160004 Weed Research 0043-1737
160005 Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 0177-5103
160006 Magnesium Research 0953-1424
160007 Journal of Andrology 0196-3635
160011 Annales de Zootechnie 0003-424X
160012 European Journal of Biochemistry 0014-2956
160013 Journal of Horticultural Science 0022-1589
160014 Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée 0003-4150
160016 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 0020-7713 Society for General Microbiology
160017 Journal of Applied Ichthyology 0175-8659
160018 Journal of the Institute of Brewing 0046-9750
160019 Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 0137-1592
160020 Transplantation Proceedings 0041-1345