Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
142498 Revue CEDRES-ETUDES 1021-3236
142502 European Journal of Electrical Engineering
142511 Journal of Electrical Systems
142516 Journal of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky Casopis 1335-3632 The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
142518 Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks
142519 High Temperature
142522 Epe Journal
142524 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
142531 Iranian Journal of Optimization 2588-5723 Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch
142537 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1096-4959
142542 Journal of Engineering-Joe
142548 Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology
142549 Advances in Sciences, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
143927 Biochemical Pharmacology 0006-2952
143928 FEBS Open Bio
143929 J. Biol. Chem
143931 FEMS Yeast Research 1567-1364
143932 Development Cell
143936 Current Opinion in Biotechnology 0958-1669
143937 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA
143939 Schmalenbach Business Review 1439-2917
143941 Current Opinion in Virology 1879-6265
143942 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 0741-5400
143944 Biophysical Reviews 1867-2450 Springer
143947 Med. Nucl
143948 Social and Education History
143949 Cancer(s) et Psy(s) 2269-9201 Éditions ERES
143951 J.Porous Mater
143952 Appl.Clay Sci
143953 Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 0301-2212
143954 Living Journal of Computational Molecular Science University of Colorado Boulder
143956 Revue Scientifique et Technique Office International des Epizooties
143959 Pharmacoéconomie
143961 Médecine et chirurgie du pied
143962 Revue médicale Suisse
143963 Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 0029-9138
143965 Journal of Clinical Imaging Science 2156-7514 Scientific Scholar
143966 Travaux Inst. Scientifique, Zoologie (Rabat)
143968 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
143970 Journal of humanitarian affairs Manchester University Press
143972 Pediatric neurology
143974 Bulletin de la SHPN 1762-0678 Société d'Histoire du Protestantisme en Normandie
143975 Repères No2 « La laïcité des repères pour en parler et l’enseigner » ESPE Avadémie de Nantes
143976 JOE - Journal of Occultation and Eclipse 2522-7955 Dr. Soleiman Hosseinpour
143978 Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
143979 Wildlife Biology
143981 Clinical Chemistry and Laboratary Medicine
143982 Animal Conservation
143985 Champs Visuels, Revue interdisciplinaire de recherche en communication et sur l’image L'Harmattan
143986 Journal of North African Economies 2588-1930 Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef