Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
134934 J.Exp.Theor.Phys
134936 BioTechnologia. Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology 0860-7796 Komitet Biotechnologii,Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
134938 Idéologies dans le Monde Anglo-Saxon 1142-8554
134944 International Journal of Competitiveness 2056-9432 Inderscience
134948 TRaNSES 2557-521X Dunod
134949 The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice
134950 SDRP Journal of Nanotechnology & Material Science 2574-1888 Sift Desk
134951 The International Symposium on Online Journalism Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas
134953 Lecture Notes in Energy 2195-1284
134954 Challenges in Sustainability 2297-6477 Librello
134956 Pensamiento urbano - Findeter Colciencias
134957 The Just City Essays Max Bond Institute, Nature of The Cities &Ford Foundation
134960 Revista Europea de Odontostomatologia
134962 Ornitología Neotropical 1075-4377 Neotropical Ornithological Society
134964 Arena Romanistica
134967 HeartRhythm Case Reports Elsevier
134975 Medecine Nucleaire: Imagerie Fonctionnelle Et Metabolique
134978 Laser Physics
134980 African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 1684-5374 AJFAND
134981 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2349-8234 Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
134982 Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society 2336-3274 University of Hradec Králové
134994 Animal Conversation
134997 Hospimedia
134998 Ciência e luta de classes 2358-3444 Antonio Cicero
134999 l’Observatoire d’Unifaf
135000 ECS Electrochemistry Letters 2162-8726
135001 Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie 2588-932X Elservier Masson
135002 Electromotion 1223-057X MEDIAMIRA SCIENCE PUBLISHER
135007 MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán 2014-0525 Asociación de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
135011 Grands Causses préhistoire et archéologie Association Docteur Prunières
135012 trends in chemical engineering 0972-4478 Research Trends
135013 Les Cahiers du GÉRES - Revue du Groupe d'Étude et de Recherche en Espagnol de Spécialité 2105-1046 Éditeur Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche en Espagnol de Spécialité (GERES)
135023 Geosynthetics International
135024 Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport
135025 International Journal of GEOMATE
135028 Soils and Foundations
135029 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
135030 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
135031 Structural Safety
135032 Waste Management
135034 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 1935-7893 Cambridge Universty Press
135035 Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
135039 International Journal of Software Innovation 2166-7160 IGI Global
135040 Research Features
135041 Analyse und Kritik 9783828204416 Michael Baurmann
135044 International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control 2210-3279 Bentham Science
135045 BBIA online 1314-7285 Bulgarian Library and Information Association
135046 Innovations in Incidence Geometry: Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial 2640-7337 Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
135048 Cartographic Perspectives CISP Press [University Publisher]
135050 La deuxième vie des objets (DVO) - Anthropologie et sociologie des pratiques de récupération