Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
121781 Skepsi
47668 Skepsis
119341 Skholê
821264 Ski Français
95391 Skill
180590 Skill 1971-4866
99857 Skin Pharmacol
32652 Skol Vreizh
537425 Skritur
112022 Sky Journal of Agricultural Research 2315-8751 Sky Journals International
62272 Skyllis
113203 Skyllis, Journal for Underwater Archaeology
165809 Sképsis Journal : Revista de Filosofia 1981-4534
57250 Skírnir. Hins íslenska bókmenntafélags
92688 Skôlé
116245 Slate 2110-5553 E2J2
178389 Slate 1091-2339
154389 Slate
168749 Slavery & Abolition
168477 Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim 0080-9993
61680 Slavic Almanach - The South African Journal for Slavic, Central and Eastern European studies
158017 Slavica Bruxellensia, revue polyphonique de littérature, histoire et culture slaves de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles
110952 Slavica Helsingiensia 0780-3281 Helsinki University Press
164149 Slavica Occitania
337601 Slavica occitania 1245-2491 université de Toulouse
49304 Slavyanove Denye (Seoul)
315227 Slayage: The Journal of Whedon Studies
336964 Sleep
421016 Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung
392406 Sleep Epidemiology 2667-3436 ScienceDirect
336965 Sleep Health
717053 Sleep Medicine 1878-5506
110092 Sleep Medicine Review
169707 Sleep Medicine and Disorders: International Journal
900703 Sleep Science and Practice 2398-2683
139672 Sleep and Breathing 1522-1709
316750 Sleep and Vigilance 2510-2265
151652 Slice Magazine 1938-6923
83922 Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College
59599 Slov. Anthropol
123984 Slovak Ethnology
498805 Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 1338-3973
79018 Slovak Journal of Political Science
116844 Slovak Review of World Literature Research 1335-0544 Slovak Academy Press
134775 Slovak international scientific journal 5782-5319
47933 Slovenian Journal for Money and Banking
129068 Slovenska antropologia
129070 Slovenska antropologie