Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
91227 The Diffusive Monitor
493322 The Digital Orientalist 2772-8374
109106 The Dodo : journal of the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust 0265-5640 Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
62005 The Dongguk Historical Review
116147 The Drama Review
146844 The Drinks and Business
33828 The Dynamics of Industrial Collaboration : a Diversity of Theories and Empirical Approaches
90619 The Déjà-vu and the Authentic: Reprise, Recycling, Recuperating in Anglophone Literature and Culture
175799 The EMBO Journal
273297 The EMBO Journal 1460-2075
149813 The ESCA Workshop on Speech Synthesis
166656 The EU's Government of Industries
88958 The EUROCALL Review
30486 The Earliest Occupation of Europe. Proceedings of the European Science Foundation, Workshop at tautavel, France, 1993, edited by Wil ROEBROEKS and Thus Van KOLFSCHOTEN
84058 The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
31019 The Early Period of Ottoman Rule in Bilâd Al-Shâm : Internal Change, Integration into the Empire, Contacts with Europe
166853 The Eastern Buddhist. New Series 0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist Society
69392 The Ecologist (Beyrouth)
42148 The Econometrics of Energy Systems
176352 The Economic History Review
560874 The Economic Journal
662743 The Economic and Social Review 0012-9984 Economic and Social Studies (Limited Company No. 30368)
33525 The Economics of Contracts : Theories and Applications
95178 The Economics of Peace and Security Journal
160909 The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 1749-852X EPS Publishing for Economists for Peace and Security
540401 The Economics of Transition
80496 The Economist
95385 The Economists' Voice
158870 The Ecumenical Review
135926 The Edgar Allan Poe Review 2150-0428
147544 The Educational and Developmental Psychologist 2059-0784 Cambridge University Press
115680 The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 1687-4285
89180 The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology
88869 The Eighth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
97160 The Eighth Lamp - Ruskin Studies Today
83947 The Electricity Journal
34104 The Electricity Journal,
46395 The Electrochemical Society
134769 The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 1479-4411
158795 The Electronic Journal of Communication / La revue electronique de communication
176544 The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE)
84016 The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
177952 The Electronic Library 0264-0473 Emerald Publishing
489128 The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023)
36439 The Elgar Companion To Law And Economics
166752 The Elgar Society Journal 0143-1269
96000 The Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society Newsletter
32835 The Elizabethan Theatre XV : Papers Given at the International Conferences on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, in the 1990s
178203 The Ellul Forum
988485 The Empirical Economics Letters 1681-8997