Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
40851 Water Practice and Technology 1751-231X IWA Publishing
19870 Water Quality and Ecosystems Modeling 1388-266X Springer Verlag
9239 Water Research 0043-1354 IWA Publishing/Elsevier
142118 Water Research X 2589-9147 Elsevier
19871 Water Resources 0097-8078 Springer Nature
19872 Water Resources Management 0920-4741 Springer Verlag
9240 Water Resources Research 0043-1397 American Geophysical Union
111525 Water Resources and Economics 2212-4284 Elsevier
2512 Water S.A 0378-4738 Water Research Commission
109109 Water Science and Engineering
19873 Water Science and Technology 0273-1223 IWA Publishing
40852 Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 1606-9749 IWA Publishing
141947 Water Utility Journal 1792-748X
144047 Water Waves 2523-367X Springer
74895 Water alternatives 1965-0175 Water Alternatives Association (Montpellier)
154018 Water and Energy International 0974-4207
9234 Water and Environment Journal 1747-6585 Wiley
9235 Water and Environmental Management Journal 0951-7359 Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
155908 Water and Sewerage Journal 2059-9994
9236 Water environment and technology 1044-9493 Water Environment Federation
9237 Water environment research 1061-4303 Water Environment Federation
9238 Water quality research journal of Canada 1201-3080 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada
9241 Water works and sewerage 0096-6312 Gillette Pub. Co
19867 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 0049-6979 Springer Verlag
19868 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 1567-7230 Springer Verlag
19874 Waterbirds 1524-4695 Waterbird Society
9243 Watercolor 1053-3915 VNU, Business Media
40854 Waterlines -London 0262-8104 Intermediate Technology Publications
21115 Watermark (Association of Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences)
19875 Wave Motion 0165-2125 Elsevier
19877 Waves in Random Media 0959-7174 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis);Institute of Physics (IOP)
19876 Waves in Random and Complex Media 1745-5030 Taylor & Francis
9244 Wayne Law Review 0043-1621 Wayne State University Law School
9245 We (New York, N.Y.) 1092-9533 We Magazine
9246 We International 1485-1571 WEED Foundation
19818 Wear 0043-1648 Elsevier
170511 Wearable Technologies Cambridge University Press
9247 Wearables Business 1096-3766 Prism Business Media
19878 Weather 0043-1656 Wiley
160778 Weather and Climate Dynamics 2698-4016 Copernicus
130080 Weather and Climate Extremes 2212-0947 Elsevier
19879 Weather and Forecasting 0882-8156 American Meteorological Society
63030 Weather, Climate, and Society 1948-8327 American Meteorological Society
9248 Weatherwise 0043-1672 Taylor & Francis
36203 Web Ecology European Ecological Federation (EEF)
40855 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 1570-1263 IOS Press
161006 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 1570-1263
2513 Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 1360-1326 University of Newcastle upon Tyne
2514 Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony 1827-8868 Osservatorio per la Protezione dei Beni Culturali in Area di Crisi dell'I.S.Fo.R.M
102326 Web-revue des industries culturelles et numériques 2262-6956 Histoire des arts et des représentation (EA 4414), Université Paris Nanterre
864275 Webbia : Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 2169-4060 Firenze University Press
139365 Webmosaica 2175-6163 Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall (Porto Alegre)
2516 Webology 1735-188X Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST)
19881 Weed Biology and Management 1444-6162 Wiley
9249 Weed Research 0043-1737 Wiley
160004 Weed Research 0043-1737
9250 Weed Science 0043-1745 Weed Science Society of America
19882 Weed Technology 0890-037X Weed Science Society of America
156944 Weeds 0096-719X
157082 Weeds World 1358-6912
40856 Weekblad voor Privaatrecht Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) 0165-8476 Sdu Uitgeverij
2517 Weekly Epidemiological Record 0049-8114 World Health Organization
9251 Weekly Standard 1083-3013 Weekly Standard
21113 Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 1000-8020
121891 Weimarer Beiträge 0043-2199 Passagen Verlag
157339 Wein Wissenschaft 0375-8818
9252 Welding Design and Fabrication 0043-2253 Penton Publishing
19883 Welding International 0950-7116 Taylor & Francis
9253 Welding Journal -New York 0043-2296 American Welding Society
119607 Welding in the World 0043-2288 Springer
2518 Wellcome History 1477-4860 Wellcome Trust
119727 Wellcome Open Research F1000Research
12599 Welt des Islams 0043-2539 Brill Academic Publishers
9254 Weltkunst 0043-261X Weltkunst Verlag GmbH
146312 Weltweit vor Ort 2364-7647 Max Weber Stiftung
12600 Weltwirtschaft 0043-2652 Springer Verlag
9255 Werk 0043-2768 Bund Swchweizer Architekten
9256 Werk Bauen und Wohnen -Zurich 0257-9332 Zollikofer AG
2519 Werken 0717-5639 Universidad Internacional SEK
9257 West Africa Review 1525-4488 Africa Resource Center, Inc
21112 West African Journal of Medicine 0189-160X
9258 West African Library Association News 0509-5093 The Association
9259 West European Politics 0140-2382 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9260 West Indian Journal of Engineering 0511-5728 Dept. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of the West Indies (UWI)
9261 West Indian Law Journal 0253-7370 West Indian Law Journal
21111 West Indian Medical Journal 0043-3144 University of the West Indies
9262 West Virginia Law Review 0043-3268 West Virginia University Law Center
9263 West Virginia Libraries 0043-3276 West Virginia Library Association
9264 West Virginia medical journal 0043-3284 Charleston, W. Va., West Virginia State Medical Association
9265 West's Education Law Quarterly 1067-7941 West Publishing Co
9266 West's Education Law Reporter 0744-8716 West Publishing Co
2520 Western Criminology Review 1096-4886 Western Society of Criminology
9267 Western Economic Journal 0043-3640
9268 Western European Education 0043-3675 M. E. Sharpe, Inc
141750 Western European Stages 1050-1991 Martin E. Segal Theatre Center
9269 Western Farm Press 0164-5331 Prism Business Media
9270 Western Folklore 0043-373X JSTOR
9272 Western Humanities Review 0043-3845 Unversity of Utah
71676 Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 0856-860X Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
40858 Western Journal of Applied Forestry 0885-6095 Society of American Foresters
19884 Western Journal of Communication 1057-0314 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
19783 Western Journal of Medicine / THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 0093-0415 BMJ Publishing Group
19885 Western Journal of Nursing Research 0193-9459 SAGE Publications
9273 Western Legal History 0896-2189 Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society
9274 Western New England Law Review 0190-6593 Western New England College School of Law
9275 Western Ontario law review 0083-8950
9277 Western State University Law Review 0362-8892 Western State University College of Law
9271 Western historical quarterly 0043-3810 JSTOR
2521 Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 1744-6708 University of Westminster
19886 Westminster Studies in Education 0140-6728 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
19887 Wetlands 0277-5212 Springer Verlag
19888 Wetlands Ecology and Management 0923-4861 Springer Verlag
9278 Wharton Magazine 0145-4188 Wharton Magazine, Subscription Department
40860 What in the World?, Level 1 LesPlan Educational Services Ltd
40861 What in the World?, Level 2 LesPlan Educational Services Ltd
155855 What's Up 1097-7937
161796 Whatever. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Queer Universita di Pisa
40862 Wheel Clicks Pacific Railroad Society
40863 Which? Which? LTD
40864 White Collar Crime Report 1559-3207 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
9279 Whittier Law Review 0195-7643 Whittier Law School
40865 Who Drug Information 1010-9609 World Health Organization
40866 Who Owns Radio Inside Radio Inc
21110 Who Regional Publications European Series 0378-2255
40867 Who's Who In America Marquis Whoãs Who Inc
9280 Whole earth review 0749-5056 Point
156541 Wiadomosci Hydrobiologiczne 2299-4076
21108 Wiadomosci Lekarskie 0043-5147
21109 Wiadomosci parazytologiczne 0043-5163
9281 Wicazo Sa Review 0749-6427 Muse - Johns Hopkins University Press;JSTOR
9282 Wide Angle -Ohio 0160-6840 Johns Hopkins University Press
9283 Widener Journal of Public Law 1064-5012 Widener University School of Law
9284 Widener Law Journal 1548-4076 Widener University School of Law
40868 Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 1466-6529 Open University, Centre for Widening Participation
131618 Wieloglos 1897-1962 Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow
586752 Wiener Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte online 2664-1100 Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Universität Wien
9285 Wiener Jahrbuch fur Kunstgeschichte 0083-9981 Krystall-Verlag
19889 Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 0043-5325 Springer Verlag
19891 Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 0043-5341 Springer Verlag
19892 Wiener Studien 0084-005X Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
40869 Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift 0043-535X Demczuk Fairducker
19893 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 0080-0084 Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
19890 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Education 1863-3579 Springer Verlag
21107 Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. Supplement 0301-7826
118386 Wieś i Rolnictwo 0137-1673 Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa
110432 Wiire : Revue scientifique de Langues, Lettres, Arts et Sciences humaines 2424-7316 Université de Koudougou / Presses universitaires de Ouagadougou
124278 WikiCreation 2557-1257 Institut ACTE
9286 Wilderness 0736-6477 Wilderness Society
19894 Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 1080-6032 Elsevier
9287 Wildfire (Fairfield, Wash.) 1073-5658 Prism Business Media
154548 Wildlife Australia 0043-5481
19895 Wildlife Biology 0909-6396 Nordic Council for Wildlife Research
2522 Wildlife Biology in Practice 1646-1509 Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem
9288 Wildlife Conservation 1048-4949 Wildlife Conservation Magazine
19896 Wildlife Monographs 0084-0173 Wiley-Blackwell
11039 Wildlife Research 1035-3712 CSIRO Publishing
9289 Wildlife Society Bulletin 0091-7648 Wiley
153362 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-RNA 1757-7004 Wiley
70667 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1757-7799 Wiley
107452 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 1939-5086 Wiley
66447 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 1759-0884 Wiley
106906 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 1939-0068 Wiley
78234 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1942-4795 Wiley
104532 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology 1759-7692 Wiley
112678 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 2041-8396 Wiley
80932 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Membrane Transport and Signaling 2190-4618 Wiley
78190 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 1939-0041 Wiley
104152 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA 1757-7012 Wiley
79554 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 1939-005X Wiley
90930 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2049-1948 Wiley
19897 Wilhelm Roux s Archives of Developmental Biology 0340-0794 Springer-Verlag
149980 Willa Cather Newsletter and Review 0197-663X The National Willa Cather Foundation
149981 Willa Cather Review 2577-3550 The National Willa Cather Center
9290 Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution 1092-8200 Willamette University College of Law
9292 Willamette Law Review 0191-9822 Willamette University College of Law
9291 Willamette law journal 0043-5562 Willamette university College of Law
105449 Willdenowia 0511-9618 Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin
170660 William James Studies 1933-8295 William James Society
9299 William Mitchell Law Review 0270-272X William Mitchell College of Law
9293 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1065-8254 College of William and Mary
9294 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 1091-9724 College of William and Mary
9295 William and Mary Journal of Environmental Law 1062-4988 College of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law
9296 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 1081-549X College of William and Mary
9297 William and Mary Law Review 0043-5589 College of William and Mary
9298 William and Mary quarterly 0043-5597 JSTOR
302561 Wilmott Journal Wiley
9301 Wilson Bulletin (White Plains, N.Y.) 0733-5105
9300 Wilson Bulletin -Morgantown then Columbus- Ornithological Bulletin 0043-5643 BioOne (Wilson Ornithological Society)
9302 Wilson Bulletin for Librarians 1050-8333
9304 Wilson Quarterly 0363-3276 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
19581 Wilson journal of ornithology 1559-4491 Wilson Ornithological Society
9303 Wilson library bulletin 0043-5651 H.W. Wilson Co
19899 Wind Energy 1095-4244 Wiley
154078 Wind Energy Science 2366-7443 Göttingen Copernicus Publications
19900 Wind Engineering 0309-524X Multi-Science Publishing
19898 Wind and Structures 1226-6116 Techno Press
40871 Windows IT Pro (formerly Windows and .Net Magazine) 1527-1552 Penton Media
40872 Windows IT Security 1555-4686 Penton Media