Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
775246 Dictionnaire encyclopédique Joly Sociétés
775248 Rev. sociétés
775235 Théâtre(s), Le magazine de la vie théâtrale
775231 Répertoire Droit International
775237 Revue des sociétés
777596 Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
777652 Jianbo yanjiu 簡帛研究
777631 The Mekong Eye Internews
777654 Drugs
779103 LAUTECH j=Journal of Engineering and Technology Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria
779127 The Mouth: Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society
779114 Quaderni di Diritto delle successioni e della famiglia
779146 The Journal of Energy and Development SSRN
779132 immunology and infectious diseases Horizon Research
779133 Europe 0014-2751 Revue Europe
779277 Swiss Medical Weekly 1424-3997
297198 Bhasha. Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology and Grammatical Traditions 2785-5953 Edizioni Ca' Foscari
777768 ACS Sustainable Resource Management 2837-1445
132079 IUCrData 2414-3146 International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) (Chester, England) [2016-....]
777002 Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research 0971-4456
780792 Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching 1732-1220 University of Gdańsk
780839 Menoufia Journal of Electronic Engineering Research 2682-3535 Faculty of Electronic Engineering – Menoufia University
777778 Institute of Georgian History Proceedings 1987-9970 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - Faculty of Humanities
780889 Hydrobiologia 1573-5117
780781 jus civile 2421-2563 Giappichelli
780860 Med Teach 0142-159x
17990 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part C: Solar-terrestrial and planetary science 1464-1917 Elsevier [1999-2001]
17989 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part B: Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere 1464-1909 Elsevier [1999-2001]
17988 Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part A: Solid earth and geodesy 1464-1895 Elsevier [1999-2001]
83799 Travaux de didactique du français langue étrangère 0765-1635 Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III,
594494 Methods in functional analysis and topology 1029-3531 Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine
780766 Signets - Magazine de l’Association Points de Suspensions Association Points de Suspensions
784444 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 1365-2036
431244 Journal of Intensive Medicine Elsevier
784751 polisMOBILITY Magazin
784703 Monuments vaudois
786114 Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, Swets & Zeitlinger
785111 La Lettre de l'IRMC : Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain
700612 Le Journal de la Marine Marchande 1633-7921 Groupe Liaisons SA
786146 Rolling ISSN 1684-257X
786098 Javnost - The Public 1854-8377
786085 Institutions
786187 High Power Laser Sci.Eng
786189 CDEP en ligne
787334 Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 1438-5627 OJS
787340 Finance, Contrôle, Stratégie 2261-5512
787377 Revue Dix-septième siècle
179111 Knee Surgery & Related Research 2234-2451 BioMed Central
787305 South Centre, Research Paper 1819-6926 South Centre
787339 Revue Sciences de Gestion - Economie et Société