Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
115600 Dialogue & Discourse 2152-9620 Bielefeld : Dialogue and Discourse Board of Editors
999013 Phys.Rev.Lett
999069 arXiv:2209.06227v2
16760 Linear Algebra and its Applications 0024-3795 Elsevier
525677 Algerian Journal of Research and Studies 2602-5663 Université de Jijel - Mohammed Seddik Ben yahia
968028 Balneo and PRM Research Journal 2734-844X Romanian Association of Balneology
711117 Bulletin of Scientific Research 2582-4678 Asian Research Association
101254 Remote Sensing 2072-4292 MDPI
177355 Annals of Corporate Governance 2381-6724 Publishers Inc
181359 AppliedChem 2673-9623 MDPI
123408 Quantum 2521-327X Verein
176867 Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 1179-5441 SAGE Journals
133159 Çedille, revista de estudios franceses 1699-4949 La Laguna Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Asociación de Profesores de Francés de la Universidad Española
841660 Cahiers d'Agora : revue en Humanités 2608-9157 Laboratoire AGORA
388966 Cahier de la Recherche Africaine 2958-5805 GNK Editions
128120 Case Reports in Orthopedics 2090-6749 Hindawi
168447 Chemical Review and Letters 2676-7279 Eurasian Science Society
999141 Journal of Molecular Modeling 0948-5023
177994 Cahiers du Musée gruérien 1422-2175 Société des amis du Musée gruérien
576682 Connaissance de la Meuse 0984-8312 Association Connaissance de la Meuse
179841 Composites theory and practice 2084-6096 Polish Society of Composite Materials
506230 Comparative Law and Language 2785-7417 Università degli Studi di Trento
117675 Open Journal of Metal 2164-2761 Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
107562 Complex Manifolds 2300-7443 de Gruyter
402484 Colorants 2079-6447 MDPI
999209 Journal of Modern Education Review 2155-7993 Academic Star Publishing Company
749874 Contributions to General and Comparative Linguistics / Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 2299-4122 Neisse Verlag
739142 Contextes Didactiques, Linguistiques et Culturels 2992-0418 Université Djilali BOUNAAMA- Khemis Miliana, Algérie
999257 iScience 2589-0042
999273 Biology Letters 1744-957X
999291 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 1865-1682
12169 Critical Care 1364-8535 BioMed Central
999210 Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 1875-2128
566485 Defence Technology 2096-3459 Editorial Bord of Defence Technology (China)
263604 Contratexto 1025-9945 Fondo Editorial Universidad de Lima
170716 Cronache di Archeologia 2532-8484 Edizioni Quasar
999239 Nat Metab 2522-5812
12196 Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 0735-2689 Taylor & Francis
203276 Complex Engineering Systems 2770-6249 OAE Publiching Inc
999296 Techniques Sciences Méthodes 2417-0097
999297 PhytoKeys 1314-2003