Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
11420 Digestion 0012-2823 Karger
11421 Доклады Академии Наук / Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 1607-6729 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
11422 Doklady Biophysics 0012-4974 Springer Verlag
11423 Doklady Botanical Sciences 0012-4982 Springer Verlag
11424 Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability 1478-4629 Thomas Telford
11425 Gene Expression Patterns 1567-133X Elsevier
11426 British heart journal 0007-0769 BMJ Publishing Group
11427 International Journal of Bank Marketing 0265-2323 Emerald
11428 International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 1744-5485 Inderscience
11530 Cardiovascular Surgery -Oxford 0967-2109 Elsevier
11531 Care management journals 1521-0987 Springer Verlag
11532 Career Development International 1362-0436 Emerald
11533 Caries Research 0008-6568 Karger
11534 Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 0167-2231 Elsevier
11536 Cartography and Geographic Information Science 1523-0406 Taylor & Francis
11537 Castanea 0008-7475 Southern Appalachian Botanical Society
11538 Catalysis Communications 1566-7367 Elsevier
11539 Catalysis Letters 1011-372X Springer Verlag
11540 Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering 0161-4940 Taylor & Francis
11541 Catalysis Surveys from Asia 1571-1013 Springer Verlag
11542 Catalysis Surveys from Japan 1384-6574 Springer Verlag
11543 CATENA 0341-8162 Elsevier
11544 Catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosis 0098-6569 John Wiley & Sons
11545 Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 1522-1946 Wiley
11546 CATTECH 1384-6566 Springer Verlag
11547 Celestial Mechanics 0008-8714 Springer-Verlag
11548 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 0923-2958 Springer Verlag
11549 Cell and Tissue Research 0302-766X Springer Verlag
11551 Cell Biochemistry and Function 0263-6484 Wiley
11552 Cell Biology and Toxicology 0742-2091 Springer Verlag
11553 Cell Biology International 1065-6995 Wiley
11554 Cell Biology International Reports 0309-1651 Wiley Open Access
11555 Cell Calcium 0143-4160 Elsevier
11556 Cell Communication and Adhesion 1541-9061 Taylor & Francis
11557 Cell Death and Differentiation 1350-9047 Nature Publishing Group
11558 Cell differentiation 0045-6039 Elsevier
11559 Cell differentiation and development : the official journal of the International Society of Developmental Biologists 0922-3371 Elsevier
11560 Cell Metabolism 1550-4131 Elsevier
11561 Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 0886-1544 Wiley-Blackwell
11562 Cell Preservation Technology 1538-344X Mary Ann Liebert
11563 Cell Proliferation 0960-7722 Wiley
11565 Cell Stress and Chaperones 1355-8145 Springer Verlag
11566 Cell Transplantation 0963-6897 Cognizant Communication Corporation
11567 Cells Tissues Organs 1422-6405 Karger
11569 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 0272-4340 Springer Verlag
11570 Cellular Immunology 0008-8749 Elsevier
11572 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 1015-8987 Karger
11573 Cellular Signalling 0898-6568 Elsevier
11574 Cellulose 0969-0239 Springer Verlag
11575 Cement and Concrete Composites 0958-9465 Elsevier