Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
936138 Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality 2752-6666 Emerald Publishing Limited
179536 Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 1538-1617 University of Notre Dame (Indiana)
7798 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317 Wiley
165534 TMG Journal for Media History [Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis] 2213-7653 Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
38914 Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1567-7419 Springer Verlag
15764 Journal of Mathematical Physics 0022-2488 American Institute of Physics (AIP)
17993 Physics in Medicine and Biology 0031-9155 IOP Publishing
18417 The Plant Journal 0960-7412 Wiley
51055 The e-Business review 1550-7793 International Academy of E-Business
393118 Small Structures 2688-4062 Wiley
132719 AIMS Molecular Science 2372-0301 AIMS Press
18254 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 0360-1285 Elsevier
42483 Oncogene Research 0890-6467 Harwood Academic Publishers [1987-....]
17619 Oncogene 0950-9232 Nature Publishing Group [1987-....]
942386 International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) 2626-8493
14695 International Journal of Sensor Networks 1748-1279 Inderscience
2417 Tempo Social 0103-2070 Universidade de Sâo Paulo
19751 Trends in Microbiology 0966-842X Elsevier
19706 Transfusion 0041-1132 Wiley
821365 Tesis 2707-6334 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
940218 Infrastructure Asset Management 2053-0242 ICE Publishing / Emerald
940194 Stochastic Models in Probability and Statistics Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
1700 M@n@gement 1286-4692 AIMS (Association internationale de management stratégique)
158519 Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 1559-6834 Cambrigde University Press
171561 Ferruccio – Rivista di Storia e Webinar 2784-9996 Coordinamento nazionale associazioni risorgimentali
13749 Journal of Graph Theory 0364-9024 Wiley
529221 Stem Cell Investigation 2306-9759 Hong Kong : AME Publishing Company
177301 Informatics in Education 1648-5831 Vilnius University Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies (Lithuania)
180136 Light: Advanced Manufacturing 2689-9620 Light Publishing Group
20761 Marine Resource Economics 0738-1360 The University of Chicago Press Journals
949625 Business Strategy & Development John Wiley & Sons Ltd
16007 Journal of Phonetics 0095-4470 Elsevier
14230 Instrumentation Science and Technology 1073-9149 Taylor & Francis
104629 BoneKEy Reports 2047-6396 International Bone & Mineral Society
950541 The Journal of South-Eastern European Studies / Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi 0378-3863 Istanbul University Press
6069 Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 0742-4795 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
16994 Medical Physics 0094-2405 American Association of Physicists in Medicine
912539 Journal of Chemical Sciences 0253-4134 Springer
84903 APL Materials 2166-532X AIP Publishing
121847 Consecutio Rerum : rivista critica della postmodernità 2531-8934 Roberto Finelli & Francesco Toto
26927 Confluences Méditerranée 1148-2664 l'Harmattan
173466 npj Urban Sustainability Springer Nature
108233 Émulations : Revue des jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs en sciences sociales 2030-5656 Presses universitaires de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique) [2008-....]
55437 Cahiers d'études italiennes 1770-9571 Éditions littéraires et linguistiques de l'Université de Grenoble (ELLUG) [2004-2017, n° 24] – UGA Éditions [2017, n° 25 -....]
70926 Écologie & politique : sciences, culture, société 1166-3030 Le bord de l'eau éditions / Presses de Sciences Po / Syllepses / Ecopresse
26935 China perspectives 2070-3449 Hong Kong : French Centre for Research on Contemporary China
138370 Chroniques du Travail 2257-5650 Institut régional du travail (Aix-Marseille Université)
67363 Cahiers Sens Public 1767-9397 Assoc. Sens-Public
77171 Cahiers d'histoire du Cnam 1240-2745 Cnam
108050 Science and public policy 0302-3427 Oxford University Press