Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
733147 Mouvements
37646 Mov Disord
626195 Movement Disorders 1531-8257
336201 Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
660845 Movement Ecology 2051-3933
160182 Movement Research Performance Journal 1077-0933
126005 Movements: Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies
916441 Movendo
753391 Movie review 1002-6916 电影评介编辑部
166061 Movimento - Revista de educação 2359-3296 Faculdade de educação, Universidade Federal Fluminense
171411 Moving Backwards Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz, Charlotte Laubard
124244 Moving the Social. Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 2197-0386 Ruhr Universitat Bochum
988018 Moving towards motion activated security camera system with live feed and call routing Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
180897 Mowia Wieki. Magazyn Historyczny,
171901 Moyen Âge
254100 Moyen Âge 1276-4159 Heimdal
175814 Moyen-Orient 1621-2509
904063 Moyen-Orient
106614 Moyent-Orient
32888 Mozart en Belgique
46758 Mozart-jahrbuch
175407 Mr W. S. A Ballet – Monsieur Shakespeare
706637 Mrmr 1770-4677 La revue murmure
120973 Muarrix / Istorik
194032 Mucosal Immunology
156546 Mucus Dialogue
528946 Muelleria: An Australian Journal of Botany 0077-1813
122012 Muftah
134404 Muiraquitã 2525-5924 Nepan Editora
721233 Muitas Vozes 2238-717X
117549 Mujtamâa wa Umran 0330-9150 Mohamed El Bahi, 5, rue Ibn Rochd, Tunis 1000 RP,
98355 Mulhouse Gare centrale 1969-9514 mediapop
75003 Multi
69943 Multi- disciplinary International Scheduling Conference
122888 Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V
94779 Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals Devices (SSD), 2014 11th International
95501 Multi-System & Internet Security (MISC)
143210 Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook (MISC)
82548 Multi-phase System Supplied by SVM VSI: A New Fast Algorithm to Compute Duty Cycles
121904 MultiMed - Revue du Réseau Trans-méditerranéen de Recherche en Communication 2182-6552 Universidade Fernando Pessoa
162762 MultiMedia
122887 Multiagent and Grid Systems
124544 Multiagent and Grid Systems archive Volume 6 Issue 3, August 2010 1574-1702 IOS Press Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands
80606 Multibody System Dynamic
924601 Multibody System Dynamics 1573-272X
132541 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
68446 Multilingual Computing
81543 Multilingual Education 3:2
43040 Multilinguisme, multiculturalisme et milieu urbain