Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
15678 Journal of Labelled Compounds 0022-2135 John Wiley & Sons
15260 Journal of Comparative Neurology 0092-7317 John Wiley & Sons
15261 Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology 0092-7015 John Wiley & Sons
16053 Journal of Polymer Science 0022-3832 John Wiley & Sons
16055 Journal of polymer science: Part A, General papers 0449-2951 John Wiley & Sons
16057 Journal of polymer science. Part A-1, Polymer chemistry 0449-296X John Wiley & Sons
16059 Journal of polymer science. Part B: Polymer letters 0449-2986 John Wiley & Sons
16063 Journal of Polymer Science Polymer Letters Edition 0360-6384 John Wiley & Sons
16229 Journal of Software Maintenance 1040-550X John Wiley & Sons
16260 Journal of Structural Control 1122-8385 John Wiley & Sons
16269 Journal of supramolecular structure 0091-7419 John Wiley & Sons
16270 Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry 0275-3723 John Wiley & Sons
16280 Journal of Synthetic Lubrication 0265-6582 John Wiley & Sons
10666 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 8755-0024 John Wiley & Sons
12570 Diabetes Metabolism Reviews 0742-4221 John Wiley & Sons
12593 Die Makromolekulare Chemie / Makromolekulare Chem [Basel] 0025-116X John Wiley & Sons
12594 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications 0173-2803 John Wiley & Sons
12595 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Theory and Simulations 1018-5054 John Wiley & Sons
12956 Environmental toxicology and water quality 1053-4725 John Wiley & Sons
12720 Early development & parenting 1057-3593 John Wiley & Sons
12560 Developmental Genetics 0192-253X John Wiley & Sons
18450 Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships 0931-8771 John Wiley & Sons
109474 Stat 2049-1573 John Wiley & Sons
123864 eLS 9780470015902 John Wiley & Sons
159713 Plant-Environment Interactions 2575-6265 John Wiley & Sons