Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
11484 Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 0840-8688 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14012 Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Society 1553-877X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
9485 Computer Architecture News 0163-5964 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
20470 Computing in Science and Engineering 1521-9615 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14061 EEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology 0046-838X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14006 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 0885-8985 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14007 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 1058-6180 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5332 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 1045-9243 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
10549 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 1536-1225 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14009 IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine 8755-3996 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14010 IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine -New Series 1531-636X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14011 IEEE Communications Letters 1089-7798 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5333 IEEE Communications Magazine 0163-6804 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
119514 IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2471-2825 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14013 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 1556-603X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14016 IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 1556-6056 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5334 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 0272-1716 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5335 IEEE Control Systems 1066-033X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
12372 IEEE Control Systems Magazine 0272-1708 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5336 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine 0883-7554 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5337 IEEE Electron Device Letters 0741-3106 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
68108 IEEE Embedded Systems Letters 1943-0663 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14018 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 1077-2618 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14019 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine 1094-6969 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5340 IEEE Intelligent Systems 1541-1672 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
23024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1522-4880 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14020 IEEE Internet Computing 1089-7801 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
85145 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2168-2194 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
88702 IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2168-6785 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
545295 IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation 2832-7322 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5342 IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 0364-9059 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5343 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 0018-9197 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14021 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 1077-260X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5344 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 0018-9200 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5345 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 0733-8716 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14023 IEEE Latin America Transactions 1548-0992 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5348 IEEE Micro 0272-1732 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14026 IEEE Microwave Magazine 1527-3342 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
479190 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters 2771-957X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14027 IEEE MultiMedia 1070-986X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14028 IEEE Network 0890-8044 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14031 IEEE Pervasive Computing 1536-1268 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14032 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 1041-1135 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14033 IEEE Potentials 0278-6648 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14035 IEEE Power Electronics Letters 1540-7985 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14034 IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 1540-7977 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5349 IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 1070-9932 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14037 IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine 1540-7993 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14038 IEEE Sensors Journal 1530-437X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5350 IEEE Signal Processing Letters 1070-9908 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers