Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

id name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
211781 Department of Biology laboratory University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
426658 Department of Biology laboratory
427999 Department of Biology laboratory
402825 Department of Biology researchteam
425295 Department of Biology laboratory
426414 Department of Biology department IL-32000 Haifa
423091 Department of Biology institution Aquatic EcologyLund UniversitySweden
422594 Department of Biology laboratory College Park, MA 02543 USA.
429098 Department of Biology laboratory
429108 Department of Biology laboratory
428748 Department of Biology laboratory
428342 Department of Biology laboratory
428347 Department of Biology laboratory
412534 Department of Biology department
418903 Department of Biology laboratory
409815 Department of Biology department
417958 Department of Biology laboratory Worcester, Massachusetts
417961 Department of Biology laboratory Lund
420285 Department of Biology laboratory 1125 Colonel By DriveOttawaOntario K1S 5B6
420361 Department of Biology laboratory
420386 Department of Biology laboratory
420423 Department of Biology laboratory
420468 Department of Biology laboratory
408898 Department of Biology laboratory Faculty of Science
415475 Department of Biology laboratory
415505 Department of Biology laboratory
414879 Department of Biology laboratory
456080 Department of Biology department Padova
474348 Department of Biology laboratory
473660 Department of Biology laboratory Wisconsin 54702
473717 Department of Biology laboratory Peterborough ON
492547 Department of Biology laboratory LouisvilleKY 40292
492084 Department of Biology laboratory
458171 Department of Biology department Chapel Hill, NC 27599
458024 Department of Biology laboratory
458071 Department of Biology laboratory
458076 Department of Biology institution Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4B-1R6
458077 Department of Biology laboratory
472113 Department of Biology Stephen F. Austin State University laboratory Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX 75962, USA
472287 Department of Biology laboratory WolfvilleNova ScotiaB4P 2R6
472337 Department of Biology department
488664 Department of Biology laboratory
488289 Department of Biology laboratory
433694 Department of Biology laboratory
432605 Department of Biology laboratory Vesilinnantie 5FI-20014 Turku
435018 Department of Biology laboratory
435999 Department of Biology laboratory
436003 Department of Biology laboratory
436078 Department of Biology laboratory
454870 Department of Biology laboratory Asahi3-1-1, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-8621