Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
113430 Department of Medicine laboratory Via Ripamonti 435;20141;Milan
137490 Department of Medicine laboratory Wellington
137723 Department of Medicine laboratory Cambridge
137372 Department of Medicine laboratory Old Westbury
137997 Department of Medicine laboratory Örebro
138001 Department of Medicine laboratory Sundvall
138023 Department of Medicine laboratory Stockholm
159281 Department of Medicine laboratory 96101;Rovaniemi
120635 Department of Medicine laboratory
144921 Department of Medicine laboratory Athens
144922 Department of Medicine laboratory Boston
144873 Department of Medicine laboratory Krakow
155767 Department of Medicine laboratory Bergen
156092 Department of Medicine laboratory SN3 6BB;Swindon
116729 Department of Medicine laboratory Torrance CA 90502
117785 Department of Medicine laboratory Buffalo
117788 Department of Medicine laboratory Calgary, Alberta
117789 Department of Medicine laboratory Milwaukee, Wisconsin
117109 Department of Medicine laboratory Via Ripamonti, 435;20141;Milan
142097 Department of Medicine laboratory Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok
142283 Department of Medicine laboratory 1 Rue Heger Bordet Brussels B-1000
142366 Department of Medicine laboratory 20520;Turku
142373 Department of Medicine laboratory
142410 Department of Medicine laboratory
142474 Department of Medicine laboratory
142481 Department of Medicine laboratory
154212 Department of Medicine laboratory Epping
154415 Department of Medicine laboratory Nijmegen
153939 Department of Medicine laboratory 15123;Athens
140124 Department of Medicine laboratory
140125 Department of Medicine laboratory
140167 Department of Medicine laboratory
152829 Department of Medicine laboratory UCLA, Los Angeles, California, 90095, USA
112289 Department of Medicine laboratory Boston
112490 Department of Medicine laboratory 20521;Turku
150596 Department of Medicine laboratory New York
150612 Department of Medicine laboratory Howard Hughes Medical Institute Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver, college of Medicine University of Iowa Iowa City
150012 Department of Medicine laboratory
116594 Department of Medicine laboratory Baltimore, Maryland
115774 Department of Medicine laboratory 1300 York Avenue New York 10021
143128 Department of Medicine laboratory University of Chicago
142800 Department of Medicine laboratory
142817 Department of Medicine laboratory
142840 Department of Medicine laboratory
142644 Department of Medicine laboratory
142517 Department of Medicine laboratory
142520 Department of Medicine laboratory
142530 Department of Medicine laboratory
142574 Department of Medicine laboratory
142586 Department of Medicine laboratory