Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
46524 Department of Neurology laboratory
46526 Department of Neurology laboratory Florida
46530 Department of Neurology laboratory
102070 Department of Neurology laboratory New Haven, Connecticut
58111 Department of Neurology laboratory Tunis
98999 Department of Neurology laboratory Patras
99638 Department of Neurology laboratory Lund
99640 Department of Neurology laboratory 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905
43400 Department of Neurology laboratory Angers
80093 Department of Neurology laboratory Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1 E 100th St., New York, NY 10029
96172 Department of Neurology laboratory Medical Center, New York, NY
94866 Department of Neurology laboratory Pauwelsstr. 30, 52057 Aachen
95774 Department of Neurology laboratory Kie
95776 Department of Neurology laboratory Campus Kiel
95781 Department of Neurology laboratory Chapel Hill, North Carolina
95789 Department of Neurology laboratory Kansas City, Kansas
95791 Department of Neurology laboratory
95792 Department of Neurology laboratory Jacksonville, Florida
95826 Department of Neurology laboratory Atlanta, Georgia
95903 Department of Neurology laboratory Amsterdam
95921 Department of Neurology laboratory Bronx, NY
95922 Department of Neurology laboratory Department of Neuroscience, NTNU, 7006 Trondheim
95931 Department of Neurology laboratory Luebeck
95936 Department of Neurology laboratory Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research, Dublin
95190 Department of Neurology laboratory Memphis
50213 Department of Neurology laboratory Waldweg 33, Göttingen 37073
49557 Department of Neurology laboratory Zurich
93969 Department of Neurology laboratory Toronto, Ontario
92953 Department of Neurology laboratory Laboratory of Electromyography, Institute of Molecular Medicine-Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon,
92957 Department of Neurology laboratory Mainz
138287 Department of Neurology laboratory One Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030
160349 Department of Neurology laboratory 3000 CA;Rotterdam
159339 Department of Neurology laboratory Madrid
114093 Department of Neurology laboratory Erlangen
121721 Department of Neurology laboratory Boston, MA 02118
113225 Department of Neurology laboratory Milan
123044 Department of Neurology laboratory Nijmegen
123334 Department of Neurology laboratory University of Bonn, Bonn 53105
138284 Department of Neurology laboratory 6020 Innsbruck
158765 Department of Neurology laboratory Rudolf-Bultmann- Strasse 8, D-35033 Marburg
120617 Department of Neurology laboratory
120674 Department of Neurology laboratory
119954 Department of Neurology laboratory
119955 Department of Neurology laboratory
144147 Department of Neurology laboratory
155189 Department of Neurology laboratory Campinas
155634 Department of Neurology laboratory School of medicine, 710 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
117508 Department of Neurology laboratory Enschede
116927 Department of Neurology laboratory Fetscherstr. 74;01307;Dresden
130665 Department of Neurology laboratory Tuebingen