Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
489318 Department of Pathology department
488530 Department of Pathology department
488531 Department of Pathology department
488534 Department of Pathology department
488537 Department of Pathology department
440099 Department of Pathology department Antwerp University Hospital, Wilrijkstraat 10, 2650 Edegem
450035 Department of Pathology department Via Gianella, 1, 37045 Legnago VR
445865 Department of Pathology department 630 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032
479448 Department of Pathology department
413283 Department of Pathology department Houston, Texas, USA.
523852 Department of Pathology department
447576 Department of Pathology department Barcelona
1090267 Department of Pathology department
1185693 Department of Pathology department
488541 Department of Pathology department
445823 Department of Pathology institution Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen
438460 Department of Pathology institution McGill University, Montreal,
1196564 Department of Pathology institution
431542 Department of Pathology institution
142388 Department of Pathology laboratory Seattle, Washington 98105
35055 Department of Pathology laboratory Amsterdam
36042 Department of Pathology DP laboratory Department of Pathology L'hôtel-Dieu de Quebec 11 côte du Palais QUEBEC-G1R 2J6
11555 Department of Pathology laboratory Boston, Massachusetts 02215
19921 Department of Pathology laboratory Fukuoka
27420 Department of Pathology laboratory Amsterdam, The Netherlands
27811 Department of Pathology laboratory Amsterdam, The Netherlands
27813 Department of Pathology laboratory University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
27115 Department of Pathology laboratory The University of Hong Kong
27118 Department of Pathology laboratory Pulawy, Poland;
27227 Department of Pathology laboratory Burlington, Vermont
31679 Department of Pathology laboratory Bari
31707 Department of Pathology laboratory
14245 Department of Pathology laboratory 200 Longwood avenue Boston MA 02115
14463 Department of Pathology laboratory Boston MA 02215
59562 Department of Pathology laboratory Boston, MA 02114
59259 Department of Pathology laboratory Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 022118, USA
59069 Department of Pathology laboratory 1007MB Amsterdam
90365 Department of Pathology laboratory Copenhagen
90367 Department of Pathology laboratory Copenhagen
90378 Department of Pathology laboratory Amsterdam
105307 Department of Pathology laboratory Camperdown, Australia
70843 Department of Pathology laboratory Zurich
70676 Department of Pathology laboratory Nijmegen
70678 Department of Pathology laboratory Tilburg
70722 Department of Pathology laboratory Tokyo
92334 Department of Pathology laboratory New Haven CT
92746 Department of Pathology laboratory D-30559 Hannover
92426 Department of Pathology laboratory University of Cambridge Cambridge CB2 1QP
87665 Department of Pathology laboratory Seoul
87677 Department of Pathology laboratory New York, NY 10021