Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
434389 Dept Appl Biol Sci DBIT laboratory
258233 Dept Appl Biol Sci, Microbiol Unit laboratory Brussels
103632 Dept. of Applied Physics and Photonics laboratory
42757 Dept. of Applied Physics and Photonics TONA-FIRW laboratory
26657 Dept. of Applied Physics and Photonics (FirW-TONA) laboratory
107380 Dept. of Electronics and Informatics ETRO laboratory Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels
174189 Dept. of Electronics and Informatics laboratory 1050;Brussels
216511 Dept. of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) laboratory Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT), Dept. of Future Media and Imaging (FMI), Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (box 102) B-9050 Ghent, Belgium
64986 Dept. of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering laboratory
192287 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering laboratory
98088 Dienst Theoretische Natuurkunde laboratory Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
110264 ETRO Dept. - Vrije Universiteit Brussel ETRO laboratory pleinlaan 2 B-1050 Brussels
174505 Earth System Sciences laboratory Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel
227194 Earth System Sciences & Department of Geography laboratory Brussels
151783 Economics laboratory 1050;Brussels
28272 Eenheid Algemene Chemie laboratory Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels
440974 Electrochemical and Surface Engineering SURF researchteam
231466 Faculteit Exacte Wetenschappen Afdeling Wiskunde laboratory
133620 Faculteit der Aard-en Levenswetenschappen laboratory Subafdeling Tektoniek de Bodelaan 1085 HV Amsterdam
190178 Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy laboratory
559765 Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences [Brussels, Belgium] regrouplaboratory
146694 Faculty of Social Sciences laboratory
213893 Faculty of earth Sciences laboratory
533010 Frailty in Ageing (FRIA) research department laboratory
1075635 Fundamental Rights Research Centre FRC researchteam
1049611 General Chemistry [Brussel] ALGC laboratory Pleinlaan 2B-1050 Brussel
259468 Gerontology and Frailty in Ageing Research Department laboratory Pleinlaan 2, 1050, Brussels
197062 Gerontology department laboratory
16985 High-Resolution NMR Centre laboratory Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel
14497 Hoog Resolutie NMR Centrum HNMR laboratory
1093992 Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy MFYS laboratory Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel
1054161 Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering laboratory
154750 IFKB laboratory
224175 In vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Laboratory laboratory VUB, Bruxelles
533777 In vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Laboratory [Brussel, Belgium] ICMI laboratory VUB, Bruxelles
248326 Institute for Environmental Studies laboratory
114186 Interface Demography laboratory Pleinlaan, 2;1050;Brussel
428538 Lab Struct & Mol Microbiol laboratory
52965 Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek laboratory Pleinlaan, 2 B-1050 Brussel
116717 Laboratory for Cell Genetics laboratory
75155 Laboratory for Cellular and Molecular Immunology laboratory
421594 Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry ANCH laboratory
222771 Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology laboratory Pleinlaan 2, Brussels
224177 Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology laboratory VUB, Bruxelles
9022 Laboratory of Groundwater Hydrology laboratory
203540 Laboratory of In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging laboratory Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
580392 Laboratory of In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging [Brussels, Belgium] ICMI-BEFY laboratory Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
199967 Laboratory of Microbial Interactions laboratory
117066 Laboratory of Molecular Oncology & Familial Cancer Clinic (UZ Brussel) laboratory Laarbeeklaan 101;1090;Brussel
222221 Laboratory of Plant Biology and Nature Management laboratory Pleinlaan 2 B-1050 Brussels