Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
249452 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, KTH laboratory
68130 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering laboratory
575368 Department of Computational Biology [Stockholm, Sweden] laboratory
194444 Department of Computer and Systems Sciences laboratory
398719 Department of Electromagnetic Engineering [Stockholm] laboratory
179227 Department of Energy Technology laboratory
541036 Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology [Stockholm, Sweden] regrouplaboratory 10044 Stockholm.
152485 Department of Industrial Ecology, KTH laboratory
214161 Department of Industrial Economics and Management laboratory
498543 Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering laboratory
146321 Department of Materials Science and Engineering laboratory
196730 Department of Materials Science and Engineering laboratory Stockholm
201398 Department of Materials and Engineering, Applied Materials Physics laboratory SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
416253 Department of Materials and Nanophysics laboratory Electrum 229, SE16440 Kista
33691 Department of Mathematics laboratory
228887 Department of Mathematics laboratory
432683 Department of Mathematics laboratory SE-100 44 Stockholm
28812 Department of Mathematics Royal Institute of technology laboratory Institutionen för Matematik Kgl Tekniska Högskolan Lindstedts väg 25 100 44 STOCKHOLM
455980 Department of Mechanics laboratory
507049 Department of Mechanics department
123398 Department of Philosophy laboratory SE-100 44 Stockholm
15201 Department of Physics Optics, Royal Institute of Technology (Suède) laboratory Department of Physics Optics, Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
148433 Department of Solid Mechanics laboratory
120900 Department of Solid Mechanics laboratory
182124 Department of Solid Mechanics laboratory
573016 Department of Solid Mechanics laboratory Stockholm
106051 Department of Speech Music and Hearing, School of Computer Science and Communication TMH laboratory Lindstedtsvägen 24, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
106052 Department of Speech Music and Hearing, School of Computer Science and Communication TMH laboratory Lindstedtsvägen 24, SE-100 44 Stockholm
1096227 Department of Theoretical Chemistry department Goteborg, S-412 96
126538 Department of Theoretical Physics laboratory SE-106 91;Stockholm
466949 Department of Transport Science department
45367 Department of mathematics- KTH laboratory
124909 Department of theoretical chemistry laboratory Stockholm
266155 Dept. Of Production Engineering laboratory Stockholm
1174846 Division of Decision and Control Systems researchteam
579422 Division of Decision and Control Systems - School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science laboratory
204286 Division of Economics laboratory Stockholm
48685 Division of Energy Technology laboratory
119791 Division of Energy- and Furnace Technolgy laboratory
253731 Division of Industrial Ecology KTH laboratory Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 34 10044 Stockholm
265495 Division of Industrial Marketing and Entrepreneurship laboratory Institute of Industrial Economy and Organisation, The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
113208 Division of Philosophy laboratory Teknikringen 78B;SE-100 44;Stockholm
23674 Division of Physical Chemistry and Industrial NMR Center Dept. of Chemistry laboratory SE-10044 Stockholm
474372 Division of Protein Technology laboratory
90727 Fiber and Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of Technology laboratory Teknikringen 56-58 10044 Stockholm
263730 ICT School laboratory Stockholm
47135 IMIT/KTH laboratory
21811 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
43275 KTH laboratory
392122 KTH researchteam