Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
82672 Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry laboratory BFSH-2 CH-1015 Lausanne
86028 Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, IMG-ANTHROPOLE laboratory
166017 Institute of Pathology laboratory CHUV
12333 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology laboratory Lausanne
94991 Institute of Physiology laboratory Faculté de Médecine University Hospital, 1011 Lausanne
143357 Institute of physics laboratory CH-1015 Lausanne
210623 Institute of physics laboratory CH-1015 Lausanne
117538 Interdisciplinary Institute of Life Trajectories et Centre Pavie, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences laboratory Bâtiment Vidy;1005;Lausanne
192030 LABSO-Laboratoire de sociologie laboratory
258306 Lab Biotechnol Vegetale, Dept Biol Mol Vegetale laboratory Lausanne
261011 LabDCI laboratory
1086431 Laboratoire THEMA (THéorie sociale, Enquêtes critiques, Médiations, Action publique) THEMA laboratory Bâtiment GéopolisFaculté des sciences sociales et politiquesUniversité de LausanneCH-1015 Lausanne
22405 Laboratoire d'Analyse Ultrastructurale laboratory CH–1015 Lausanne VD
230101 Laboratoire d'Analyse des Politiques Sociales, de la Santé et du Développement laboratory
1080902 Laboratoire d'anthropologie culturelle et sociale LACS laboratory
31417 Laboratoire de Biotechnologie des Plantes laboratory CH-1015 Lausanne
94614 Laboratoire de Nutrition Clinique laboratory CHUV Bâtiment hospitalier Rue du Bugnon 46 1011 Lausanne
1208415 Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale UNILAPS laboratory
1161864 Laboratoire de Psychologie du Développement, du Conseil et de l’Intervention LabDCI laboratory
221198 Laboratoire de géologie laboratory
438704 Laboratoire de psychologie du développement, conseil et intervention LabDCI laboratory Quartier UNIL-Mouline Bâtiment Geopolis, 1015, Lausanne
231249 Laboratoire de psychologie du développement, conseil et intervention LabDCI laboratory Quartier UNIL-Mouline Bâtiment Geopolis, 1015, Lausanne
208057 Laboratoire de sociologie Labso laboratory Unil - Geopolis - 1015 Lausanne
243484 Laboratoire de sociologie LABSO laboratory
560710 Laboratoire suisse d'analyse du dopage laboratory Épalinges
95394 Laboratory of Neuroheuristics laboratory
95893 Laboratory of Neuroheuristics laboratory Lausanne
439010 Ludwig Center for Cancer Research laboratory
167162 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research laboratory 1015 Lausanne
118891 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research laboratory Epalinges
234177 Mouse Metabolic Facility of the Cardiomet Center laboratory University Hospital, and Center for Integrative Genomics, 1015 Lausanne
255416 Mouse Pathology Facility laboratory
93662 Musée de géologie - IGUL laboratory Quartier UNIL - Dorigny Bâtiment Anthropole CH-1015 Lausanne
93661 Musée de géologie - IGUL laboratory Musée de géologie Quartier UNIL-Dorigny Bâtiment Anthropole CH-1015 Lausanne
1068349 NCCR LIVES LIVES researchteam Bâtiment Géopolis1015 Lausanne
98592 Nerve-muscle unit, neurology service laboratory
130355 Neuroheuristic Research Group laboratory Lausanne
229175 Neuroheuristic Research Group laboratory HEC-ISI - Lausanne
93389 Neuroheuristic Research Group laboratory Information Science Institute (ISI)
168536 Neuroheuristic Research Group laboratory Information Science Institute (ISI)
432130 Now at Institute of Geography laboratory
48228 Observatoire de la ville et du développement durable laboratory
117608 Observatoire science, politique et société laboratory
171145 Pain Research Unit laboratory Department of Anesthesiology and Department of Cell Biology and Morphology, University Hospital Center and University of Lausanne, Lausanne
58614 Pathology Institute Lausanne laboratory
194538 Pharmaceutical Technology, École de Pharmacie Genève - Lausanne EPGL laboratory EPGL Section des sciences pharmaceutiques Université de Genève - Université de Lausanne Quai Ernest Ansermet 30 1205 Genève | Suisse
507740 School Pharmaceutical Sciences, Phytochemistry and Bioactive Natural Products laboratory
156972 School of Economics and Business Administration laboratory
234420 School of Pharmaceutical Science laboratory CH-1211 Geneva 4
233959 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences laboratory Geneva
551650 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Geneva, Switzerland] laboratory
537989 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Lausanne, Switzerland] regrouplaboratory
507736 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Phytochemistry and Bioactive Natural Products laboratory
259673 Service Biologie Cellulaire et Morphologie laboratory École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Route Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne
160557 Service de Génétique humaine laboratory 1015 Lausanne
178317 Service de Pathologie Clinique laboratory 1011 Lausanne
212066 Service de Physiologie laboratory Quartier UNIL-Sorge 1015 Lausanne
160556 Service de Pédiatrie laboratory 1015 Lausanne
244174 Service des Soins Intensifs [Lausanne] laboratory 1015 Lausanne
254578 Society for the Protection of Nature laboratory Lausanne
1192860 Swiss BioMotion Lab laboratory
482121 Swiss Fed Inst Aquat Sci & Technol, CH-6047 Kastanienbaum laboratory
482122 Swiss Fed Inst Aquat Sci & Technol, CH-6047 Kastanienbaum laboratory
160909 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology laboratory Lausanne, Switzerland
1123116 Swiss Geocomputing Centre laboratory
44210 Swiss HIV Cohort Study Data Center laboratory
449156 Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Vital-IT laboratory
226252 Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses, Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale laboratory Ch. des Croisettes 22, 1066 Epalinges
104601 The Functional Electrical Neuroimaging Laboratory laboratory Service de neuropsychologie et de neuroréhabilitation Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois 5 Av Pierre-Decker, CH - 1011 Lausanne
181065 Unit of Gene Therapy & Stem Cell Biology laboratory Ophthalmology Department, Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital, avenue de France 15, 1004 Lausanne
484837 Unit of Retinal Degeneration and Regeneration laboratory
93514 Unité de pharmacochimie, School of Pharmaceutical laboratory quai Ernest-Ansermet 30 CH-1211 GENEVE 4
101068 University Institute of Radiation Physics laboratory University Hospital Center, Rue du Grand Pré 1, 1007 Lausanne
220542 centre de recherche sur les parcours de vie et les inégalités laboratory Université de Lausanne
405832 centre pluridisciplinaire Walras Pareto researchteam
557322 institute of analytical and inorganic Chemistry laboratory
181116 nfectious Diseases Service laboratory Department of Medicine, rue du Bugnon 46, CH-1011 Lausanne
395020 équipe Form'Action researchteam