Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
1114515 Team 1 : Mononuclear phagocytes, Immunopathology, Immunovirology Team 1 - U1064 Inserm - CR2TI researchteam CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu - 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes Cedex 01. 2022-01-01
1114516 Team 2 : Cell and gene engineering in tolerance, fertility and regenerative medicine Team 2 - U1064 Inserm - CR2TI researchteam CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu - 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes Cedex 01. 2022-01-01
1114517 Team 3 : Integrative transplantation, HLA, Immunology and genomics of kidney injury Team 3 - U1064 Inserm - CR2TI researchteam CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu - 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes Cedex 01. 2022-01-01
1114518 Team 4 : Deciphering organ immune regulation in inflammation and transplantation (DORI-t) Team 4 - U1064 Inserm - CR2TI researchteam CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu - 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes Cedex 01. 2022-01-01
1114519 Team 5 : Neuroinflammation, mechanisms, therapeutic options (NEMO) Team 5 - U1064 Inserm - CR2TI researchteam CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu - 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes Cedex 01. 2022-01-01
1114520 Team 6 : Impact of acute inflammation on host pathogen interactions and lung homeostasis Team 6 - U1064 Inserm - CR2TI researchteam CHU Nantes - Hôtel Dieu - 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes Cedex 01. 2022-01-01