Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
161409 Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt [Darmstadt] CASED laboratory 32 Mornewegstrasse, 64293 Darmstadt
264555 Cryptography and Computeralgebra, Department of Computer Science laboratory
88963 Department of Computer Science laboratory Technische Universitat D-64277 Darmstadt
206911 Department of High Frequency Electronics laboratory Merckstrasse 25 D-64283 Darmstadt
169929 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences [Darmstadt] laboratory D-64287 Darmstadt
23627 Department of Mathematics [Darmstadt] laboratory Fachbereich Mathematik Schloßgartenstr. 7 64289 Darmstadt
451691 Discrete Optimization [Darmstadt] laboratory Discrete Optimization, TU Darmstadt, Germany
185623 Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften laboratory Petersenstrasse 23, 64287, Darmstadt
108093 Fachbereich Mathematik [Darmstadt] laboratory Schloßgartenstr. 7 64289 Darmstadt
170570 Institut fuer Angewandte Physik laboratory Schlossgartenstrasse 7, 64289 Darmstadt
12157 Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften [Darmstadt] laboratory Schnittspahnstr. 9, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
51086 Institut für Kernphysik [Darmstadt] laboratory Schlossgartenstrasse 9, 64289 Darmstadt
223711 Institut für Materialwissenschaft laboratory Renate Ziegler-Krutz L2|01 79 Petersenstraße 23 64287 Darmstadt
139311 Institut für Physik Kondensierter Materie = Institute of Condensed Matter Physics IPKM laboratory Darmstadt University of Technology, Hochschulstraße 6, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
497202 Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors [Darmstadt] laboratory 2017-06-07
95861 Institute of Microelectronic Systems laboratory
1226771 Integrated Electronic Systems Lab IES Lab laboratory S3|06 Merckstraße 25, 64283 Darmstadt
496538 Multimedia Communications Lab [Darmstadt] KOM laboratory 2017-06-02
496537 Peer-to-Peer Systems Engineering Lab [Darmstadt] PS laboratory 2017-06-02
497201 Secure Mobile Networking Lab [Darmstadt] SEEMOO laboratory 2017-06-07
101429 Software Technology Group [Darmstadt] laboratory Technische Universität Darmstadt S2|02 A209 Hochschulstr. 10 64289 Darmstadt
245024 Deutsches Kunststoff-Institut = German Institute of Polymers DKI laboratory Schlossgartenstr 6 D-64289 Darmstadt
246746 AG Angewandte Kognitionpsychologie laboratory
432004 Bioinspired Communication Systems Lab laboratory
255470 Center for Smart Interfaces laboratory Petersenstrae 32, D-64287 Darmstadt
158828 Center of Smart Interfaces laboratory
142232 Center of Smart Interfaces laboratory Darmstadt
255235 Center of Smart Interfaces laboratory TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt
134541 Center of Smart Interfaces, Computational Methods laboratory Darmstadt
158826 Chair of Fluid Dynamics laboratory
544206 Chair of Wastewater Engineering, Institute IWAR laboratory
126266 Chemical Analytics laboratory Darmstadt
124633 Chemistry laboratory D-64287;Darmstadt
124634 Chemistry laboratory 64287;Darmstadt
544096 Clemens-Schöpf Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry laboratory Technische Universität Darmstadt, Alarich- Weiss-Strasse 4, D–64287 Darmstadt
264722 Computer Science Department laboratory
566716 Department of Computer Science, Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics Group laboratory Darmstadt, Germany
246297 Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt laboratory TU Darmstadt Department of Computer Science Hochschulstraße 10 D-64289 Darmstadt
253571 Department of Material- and Geosciences, Darmstadt laboratory Technische Universität Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstraße 9, 64287 Darmstadt
57424 Department of Materials Science laboratory
125473 Department of Materials and Geo-science laboratory D-64287;Darmstadt
125476 Department of Materials and Geo-science laboratory Darmstadt
146752 Department of Philosophy [Darmstadt] laboratory
253066 EC SPRIDE laboratory
221812 EKT - TUD laboratory
518164 Ecological Networks, Biology laboratory
158496 Eduard-Zintl-Inst. fuer Anorg. und Physikal. Chemie laboratory 64287;Darmstadt
124653 Eduard-Zintl-Institute, PC III laboratory 64287;Darmstadt
111603 FB Mathematik laboratory
20942 FB Mathematik der TU Darmstadt TUD laboratory Schlossgartenstrasse 7 D-64289 Darmstadt Deutschland