Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
563718 China Research Center for Agricultural Mechanization Development [Beijing] regrouplaboratory
440625 China-EU Center for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture [Beijing] laboratory Beijing 100083 P.R. China
440629 College of Economics and Management [Beijing] laboratory Beijing 100083 China
440635 College of Engineering [Beijing] laboratory Beijing 100083 China
258814 College of Information and Electrical Engineering [Beijing] CIEE laboratory 17 Qinghua Donglu, Beijing 100083
440602 College of Science [Beijing] laboratory Beijing China 100083
263991 College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering laboratory Beijing
440726 College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering [Beijing] laboratory Beijing 100083 China
563981 Department of Plant Pathology [Beijing] laboratory
440621 Econometrics and Management College [Beijing] laboratory Haidian District Beijing China 100083
26232 Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition LPN laboratory
26234 Key Laboratory of Plant-Soil Interactions - College of Resources and Environmental Sciences PSI laboratory Ministry of Education, College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
440490 Key Laboratory of Soil-Machine-Plant System Technology laboratory Beijing China 100083
440596 Network Center [Beijing] laboratory Beijing 100083 China
440551 School of Economics & Management [Beijing] laboratory Beijing 100083 China
22301 China State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry laboratory 100094 Beijing
1044189 Center for Agricultural Water Research in China laboratory
428082 Coll Biol Sci laboratory
428434 Coll Plant Sci & Technol laboratory
483323 College of Agricultural Resources and Environmental Sciences laboratory
450633 College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Center of Crop Chemical Control, Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Farming System, State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry laboratory
454457 College of Animal Science and Technology laboratory
1050709 College of Animal Science and Technology regrouplaboratory
88797 College of Biological Sciences laboratory Beijing 100094
163806 College of Biological Sciences laboratory China Agricultural University, 100193 Beijing, China
248469 College of Biology laboratory BEIJING,
510487 College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering laboratory
265906 College of Information and Electrical Engineering laboratory Haidian, Beijing
1003966 College of Land Science and Technology laboratory
570473 College of Resources and Environmental Science laboratory
496819 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences laboratory
266460 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences laboratory Beijing
450632 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture, Key Laboratory of Arable Land Conservation (North China) laboratory
408380 College of Ressources and Environmental Sciences laboratory
200754 College of Veterinary Medicine laboratory Beijing
551083 Department of Agronomy and Biotechnology laboratory
456813 Department of Entomology laboratory
1043555 Department of Entomology laboratory
515662 Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection laboratory
516436 Department of EntomologyBeijing, College of Plant Science , Tarim University laboratory
514485 Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture laboratory
11384 Department of Microbiology and National Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND NATIONAL KEY LABORATORY FOR AGROBIOTECHNOLOGY laboratory Beijing,100094,China
190421 Department of Plant Pathology, China Agricultural University, laboratory Beijing 100193
264013 IPMist Lab, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology laboratory Beijing
521400 Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production laboratory
521399 Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Information Agriculture laboratory
538667 Key Lab for Biological Control of the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Entomology laboratory
521398 Key Laboratory for Crop System Analysis and Decision Making, Ministry of Agriculture laboratory
429574 Key Laboratory of Plan-Soil Interactions laboratory
449206 Key Laboratory of Plant-Soil Interactions laboratory