Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
170088 Center of Health Services laboratory Partyzanske nam. 7;702 00;Ostrava
121722 Department of Environmental Medicine laboratory DK-5000 Odense
137437 Department of Epidemiology laboratory Tirana
45147 Department of Public Health and Primary Care laboratory Cambridge
153887 Department of Public Health and Primary Care laboratory Cambridge
137441 Department of Virology laboratory Tirana
162610 Department of Virology laboratory Ostrava
29291 Division of Environmental Medicine laboratory Oslo
26954 Institute of Public Health laboratory Dhaka, Bangladesh
65367 Institute of Public Health laboratory
243946 Institute of Public Health laboratory Bucharest 050463, Romania
463490 Institute of Public Health laboratory Bucharest 050463, Romania
236438 MRC Biostatistics Unit laboratory Cambridge
226238 MRC Biostatistics Unit laboratory Cambridge, CB2 0SR
149160 Pharmaco-bromatology, Food Section laboratory Brussel