Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
150046 Chemical Science and Technology laboratory 00133;Rome
179428 Department of Astronomy laboratory
59891 Department of Biology laboratory Rome
59888 Department of Biopathology and Diagnosing Imaging laboratory Rome
500903 Department of Dermatology Dermato - ROME laboratory Department of Dermatology, University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
211020 Department of Internal Medicine laboratory "Sapienza", Rome
153348 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Policlinico "Tor Vergata ", Rome, Italy laboratory Rome
56547 Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics laboratory "La Sapienza", Rome Italy
232131 Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering laboratory "La Sapienza", Rome Italy
268082 Division of Hematology, Department of Cellular Biotechnologies and Hematology laboratory Via Benevento 6, 00161, Rome
151413 Economics and Institutions laboratory 00133;Rome
59887 Faculty of Medicine laboratory Faculty of Medicine, Rome
144052 Pediatric Gastroenterology laboratory 80131;Rome
126478 Physics laboratory Roma
439854 Research Centre for Transport and Logistics laboratory -
124681 chemistry laboratory 00185;Rome