Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
548652 Cancer Targets & Experimental Therapeutics department
472785 Dynamique cellulaire et membranaire des interactions hôte-parasite Equipe de recherche researchteam Site Santé - Allée des Alpes 38700 La Tronche
539953 INSERM U1209, équipe Patrice Marche (Immunologie Analytique des Pathologies Chroniques) researchteam
580979 Membrane Dynamics of Parasite-Host Cell Interactions [Grenoble] researchteam
572250 Team "Cancer targets and experimental therapeutics" researchteam
572292 Team "Cell Adhesion Dynamics and Differentiation" researchteam
572289 Team "Genetics and Epigenetics of Lymphoid Cancers" researchteam
572244 Team "RNA splicing, cell signaling and response to therapies" researchteam
572287 Team "Tumor Molecular Pathology and Biomarkers" researchteam