Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
231001 BCG department laboratory Pasteur square ; Pasteur Street ; Teheran
206859 Biotechnology Research Center laboratory Tehran
207004 Department of Arboviruses and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers [Tehran] laboratory No. 69, Pasteur Ave, Tehran
207921 Department of Bacteriology [Tehran, Iran] regrouplaboratory 69 avenue Pasteur Téhéran 13164
1062823 Department of Epidemiology and Bio-statistics [Tehran, Iran] laboratory No. 69, Pasteur Ave, Tehran 1948-01-01
1062783 Department of Immunology [Tehran, Iran] laboratory 69 avenue Pasteur Téhéran 13164 1985-01-01
207287 Drug Design and Bioinformatics Unit laboratory Medical Biotechnology Department, Biotechnology Research Center, 69 Pasteur Ave., Tehran, Iran 13164
206860 Influenza Research Laboratory laboratory
207882 Malaria and Vector Research Group MVRG laboratory Tehran
1062777 Molecular Biology Department [Tehran, Iran] researchteam 69 avenue Pasteur Téhéran 13164 1990-01-01
1062782 National Cell Bank of Iran [Tehran, Iran] NCBI researchteam 69 avenue Pasteur Téhéran 13164 1993-01-01