Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
22570 A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute GPI laboratory Vavilov Str. 38, 119991 Moscow
481818 Geophysikalisches Institut [Karlsruhe] GPI laboratory Fakultät für Physik, Hertzstrasse 16, Geb. 6.42, 76187 Karlsruhe
153656 Image and Video Processing Group GPI laboratory Signal Theory and Communications Department, UPC, Campus Nord (D5) Jordi Girona, 1-3 08034 Barcelona
88504 General Pathology and Immunology GPI laboratory brescia
1081530 Global Phosphorus Institute GPI institution Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid, Ben Guerir 43150
14970 Groupo de Pathologia Infecciosa GPI laboratory Santafe de Bogota,