Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
496940 IMRB - "Biologie du système neuromusculaire" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
561434 IMRB - "Biomechanics and Respiratory Apparatus" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1041649 IMRB - "From pathophysiology towards immune-basedinterventions in HIV infection" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1070047 IMRB - "NeuroPsychologie Interventionnelle" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
557892 IMRB - "Neuropsychiatrie translationnelle" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1061142 IMRB - "Transfusion et Maladies du Globule Rouge" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1077433 IMRB - CEPIA/"Clinical Epidemiology And Ageing : Geriatrics, Primary Care and Public Health" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1041647 IMRB - GEIC2O/"Genetic and Environmental Interactions in COPD, Cystic fibrosis and Other (rare) respiratory diseases" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1077389 IMRB - I-BIOT/"Immunorégulation et Biothérapie" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1077385 IMRB - NFL/"Neurofibromatosis and Lymphoma Oncogenesis" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1077388 IMRB - PGD/"Pathophysiology of Glomerular Diseases" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1041650 IMRB - PROTECT/"Pharmacologie et Technologies pour les Maladies Cardiovasculaires" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1077384 IMRB - SMCD/"Senescence, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam
1077387 IMRB - VHC/"Viruses-Hepatology-Cancers" [Créteil] U955 Inserm - UPEC researchteam