Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
30453 Institute of Archaeology laboratory ul. Golebia 11, 31-007 Krakow
106036 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Oxford OX1 2PG,
107821 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Nitra
206809 Institute of Archaeology laboratory
212288 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Oxford University, Oxford OX1 2PG
325475 Institute of Archaeology institution
475133 Institute of Archaeology department
576381 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Londres
574362 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Oxford University, Oxford OX1 2PG
1059880 Institute of Archaeology institution Zagreb
1078707 Institute of Archaeology laboratory
1073535 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Jucov Street-77Ulaanbaatar 13343
1160216 Institute of Archaeology laboratory
1081419 Institute of Archaeology laboratory Moscou
230957 Institute of Archaeology laboratory National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Stalingrada 12, 04210 Kyiv