Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
11516 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Tennis Court Road, Cambridge, CB2 1QT
21811 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
31582 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Vilnius
89844 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Department of Molecular Medicine and Bioprocesses Cuernavaca
89938 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Avenida Universidad 2001 Apartado Postal 510-3 Cuernavaca 62210
88739 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Cuernavaca, Mexico
95170 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Hoenggerberg, Zürich
95172 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Hoenggerberg Zürich
150542 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
191036 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
204069 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Caugiay, Hanoi (Vietnam)
188306 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
222765 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory Hangzhou 310029
418589 Institute of Biotechnology institution 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Caugiay, Hanoi
408537 Institute of Biotechnology institution
430592 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
437864 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
545061 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
496014 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
1054400 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
309044 Institute of Biotechnology institution
1070008 Institute of Biotechnology IBT department Hanoi
1079931 Institute of Biotechnology IBT regrouplaboratory Hanoi
459607 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
415293 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory
1199116 Institute of Biotechnology laboratory