Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
1073721 Institute of Informatics regrouplaboratory
24365 Institute of Informatics laboratory Institute of Informatics P. O. Box 652 6701 Szeged Hungary
104920 Institute of Informatics laboratory
50417 Institute of Informatics laboratory
242875 Institute of Informatics laboratory
242509 Institute of Informatics laboratory
227686 Institute of Informatics laboratory Avenida Paulo Gama, 110 - Farroupilha, Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul, 90040-060
403236 Institute of Informatics researchteam
489942 Institute of Informatics laboratory Gliwice Poland
493541 Institute of Informatics department
154003 Institute of Informatics laboratory
260804 Institute of Informatics laboratory
1078353 Institute of Informatics laboratory