Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
553944 Information Systems Department [South Africa] IS laboratory Department of Information Systems University of Fort HareP O Box 7426EAST LONDON5200 2019-02-15
432035 African Primate Initiative for Ecology and Speciation APIES laboratory Department of Zoology and EntomologyPrivate Bag X1314Alice 5700
504755 African Primate Initiative for Ecology and Speciation laboratory Port Elizabeth 6031
537214 African Primate Initiative for Ecology and Speciation laboratory Department of Zoology and EntomologyPort Elizabeth 6031
1064949 Department of Botany laboratory
51636 Govan Mbeki Research Centre GMRC laboratory University of Fort Hare, East London