Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
60412 Department of Biology Education laboratory Faculty of Education, 35150 Buca-Izmir
452639 Department of Chemistry department
414636 Department of Civil Engineering laboratory Buca, 35160, Izmir
432978 Department of Civil Engineering laboratory Izmir
177699 Department of Environmental Engineering laboratory Tinaztepe Campus, T-35160 Buca Izmir
1172409 Department of Geophysical Engineering [Izmir] laboratory
146529 Department of Mechanical Engineering laboratory
167707 Department of Medical Biology and Genetics laboratory Izmir, 35340 Turkey
152241 Department of Paediatrics, Division of Endocrinology laboratory Izmir
191128 Department of Pediatrics laboratory
199274 Department of Pediatrics laboratory İzmir
507342 Department of Pediatrics [Izmir] department
199273 Department of Radiology laboratory İzmir
455794 Division of Child Neurology laboratory
511393 Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine laboratory
162293 Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology laboratory Bakü Bulvart n° 32 Inciralu TR-35340 IZMIR
551994 Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology laboratory Bakü Bulvart n° 32 Inciralu TR-35340 IZMIR
444787 Jeoloji Müh laboratory