Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
437328 Computat Biol & Data Min Grp laboratory
205817 Developmental Neurobiology laboratory Robert-Rössle-Straße 13125 Berlin
563883 Experimental and Clinical Research Center [Berlin, Germany] regrouplaboratory
260287 Genetic of Metabolic and Reproductive Disorders laboratory Berlin
569564 Genetics of Metabolic and Reproductive Disorders [Berlin, Germany] regrouplaboratory
99159 Molecular Biology of Peptide Hormone Group MDC laboratory Berlin
176936 Muscle Research Unit, Experimental and Clinical Research Center laboratory Berlin
570792 Proteomics Platform [Berlin, Germany] laboratory
205816 RNA Editing and Hyperexcitability Disorders laboratory Robert-Rössle-Straße 13125 Berlin