Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
93009 Department of Chemistry [Portland] laboratory 1719 SW 10th Avenue Science Building 2, Room 262 Portland, OR 97201
104747 Department of Computer Science [Portland] CS laboratory Department of Computer Science P.O. Box 751 Portland State University Portland, Oregon 97207-0751
47119 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering [Portland] ECE laboratory ECE Department Portland State University Post Office Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751
136880 Department of Geology [Portland] department 17 Cramer Hall, 1721 SW Broadway Ave, Portland, OR 97201
142265 Department of Biology laboratory Portland, OR 97201, USA
242386 Department of Economics laboratory
130484 Dept. Phys., Nanocrystallog. Grp laboratory