Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
108287 Publicacions de la Secció de Matemàtiques UAB
108303 Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
108310 Revue Internationale en Sciences des Organisations
108311 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
108312 Journal of Policy Modeling
108316 Macroeconomic Dynamics
108321 Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione 2284-4473 Licenza Creative Commons
108325 IGTI ASME
108327 EdA, Esempi di Architettura 2384-9576
108328 PharmacoEconomics
108329 Journal de chirurgie
108331 Coloquios de Historia Canario Americana 2386-6837 Cabildo de Gran Canaria
108334 Forum 0988-6486
108338 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications
108339 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications
108340 Revue du monde musulman et de la méditerranée
108341 H-France Review
108345 Economica
108362 Erasmo. Revista de historia bajomedieval y moderna 2341-2380 Universidad de Valladolid
108367 Newfoundland and Labrador Studies (Hors série) Editeur Memorial university of Newfoundland — MUN
108368 L'enseignant non natif : Identités et légitimité dans l'enseignement apprentissage des langues étrangères
108379 Revue Maghrébine des Langues RML‎ Dar El Qods‎
108384 EPRI, Palo Alto, CA Electrical Power Research Institute
108392 le arti del suono Aracne Editrice
108394 World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
108400 Lab Chip
108405 Case Reports in Nephrology
108411 Développement économique et ouverture des pays méditerranéens
108415 Dansk Sociologi
108427 Depth of Field
108428 Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society Taylor and Francis
108431 The Politics of Knowledge
108432 Remediating the Social, Electronic Literature as a Model for Creativity and Innovation in Practice, Bergen
108093 Hebei Academic Journal
108107 Potato planet
108109 Communication et influence 1760-4842
108111 L'Entreprise Logistique 0766-6063 Eurolog - Groupe ESSEC et Society of Logistics Engineers - France
108115 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology 2277-1581
108119 JOEME
108120 L'Autre Musique 2117-4466
108136 Journal of Medical Informatics and Technology
108141 Gestos, Revista de teoría y práctica del teatro hispanoamericano
108143 prospects 0033-1538
108145 Cuadernos de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
108148 Publications économétriques
108158 Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 1437-5982 Leipzig : Thieme
108159 Commun. Appl. Anal
108161 Gengo Kenkyū 0024-3914 Linguistic Society of Japan
108163 International Journal of Geomate 2186-2986 The Geomate International Society
108171 AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
108180 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Serie des sciences mathematiques
108186 Calypso Log 0292-6210 Fondation Cousteau
108188 Grey Journal
108190 Mathematica Aeterna 1314-3344 HILARIS LTD
108192 Quart. J. Math. Oxford
108193 Publications Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
108200 Environment and Development Economics
108201 Journal d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique
108202 Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
108203 Natural Language Engineering
108207 Communications et Stratégie IDATE
108226 Вычислительная механика сплошных сред
108228 Современная электрометаллургия
108232 Rencontres transvosgiennes 2256-7178 Rencontres Transvosgiennes
108242 Liens 0850-4806 UCAD
108243 Pioneer journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences 2230-9829 Pioneer scientific publisher
108244 SUDLANGUES 0851-7215 Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de Cheikh Anta Diop
108245 Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour
108246 Revista linguarum arena université de Porto
108253 Revista Fermentum 0798-3069
108254 Cultura y religión
108442 Cahiers du dessin français Galerie De Bayser
108443 PRACE Newsletter
108446 Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology
108447 Journal of Bone Marrow Research
108449 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
108452 Journal of Advanced Physics
108454 Revista escrita da historia 2359-0238
108459 Philosophy Study 2159-5313 David Publishing
108468 Proceedings of the Kiev Institute of Mathematics
108470 International Journal of Partial Differential Equations Hindawi
108471 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
108473 Research EU- results magazine
108475 Journal of elasticity and the physical science of solids
108478 Bulletin de l'association Les amis de Louis Mazetier et de l'art sacré du XXe siècle
108482 The European Journal of Development Research
108483 Economies et Sociétés (Serie'Histoire Economique Quantitative')
108485 Studia dramatica
108489 International Productivity Monitor
108493 PRST AB
108505 Military Medicine 0026-4075
108511 Biomedical journal [electronic resource] 2320-2890 Wolters Kluwer Health/ Medknow
108513 Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati, Fascicle Vi-Food Technology
108515 Constellations
108516 Documents de travail du LÉAD
108521 Revista de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo
108523 Chirurgie de la Main
108524 Journal of Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms
108533 Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research
108534 ISRN Condensed Matter Physics
108540 Anuario Thinkepi 1886-6344 El Profesional de la Información
108542 Advances in Computer Science and Engineering 0973-6999 Pushpa Publishing House
108544 International Journal of Engineering Technologies 2149-0104
108545 Tanso
108547 Bulletin cercle généalogique d'Alsace publié en Alsace
108550 I. Labraunda
108553 Istanbuler Mitteilungen
108554 Kinétraceséditions 2430-882X Kinétraces
108557 Alloys and Compounds
108561 Journal of Medical Entomology
108573 Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems 2321-5658
108575 Revista Latinoameicana de Filosofía
108576 Notae Philosophicae Scientiae Formalis
108581 Futurs indicatifs Editions Néothèque
108583 Economics: E-Journal
108584 Journal of Housing Economics
108590 Revue Economie, Gestion et Societe 2458-6250
108595 Radio Science
108603 Actes des GTMG
108610 Cybernetics
108612 AMSE journals, Advances in modelling
108618 Études foncières 0183-5912 Centre de recherche d'urbanisme
108619 Économie et solidarités
108630 Review Volume « Contemporary Developments in Finite Fields and Applications »
108640 Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics
107288 Contrat, concurrence, consommation
107289 Critical Perspectives on Accounting
107290 The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs
107297 Science et Avenir
107300 Lettre du réseau Plantacomp
107307 AGYours Arbre Fruitier
107310 Journal of Batı Akdeniz Agricultural Research Institute 1459-0255
107313 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology
107327 Fémina 1661-6243
107329 UBP Lettre d'info
107331 Biointerphases 1934-8630
107332 La Traverse
107344 Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore ee
107353 International Journal of Molecular Gastronomy
107360 Reviews on environmental health
107362 Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática
107364 Communications and Network 1949-2421
107366 Medicinal Chemistry
107369 Global journal of Mathematics 2395-4760
107377 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
107383 International Journal of Computer Aided and Engineering 2051-3190 Recent Science
107384 Int. J. Advanced Media and Communication
107386 PontodeAcesso 1981-6766
107387 VINITI
107391 love-moi
107392 Spatium - The Journal of Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia 2217-8066 De Gruyter
107393 Jour. Pure Appl. Math Adzerbaijan
107395 Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology 2352-9873
107396 Service Management
107397 Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
107399 Behavioral Marketing eJournal
107400 Convective Flows Perm PSHPU
107401 Cognitive Social Science e-journal
107402 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
107403 Revue Socles
107410 Philosophy, Communication, Media Sciences
107412 Language policy in the context of contemporary language processes
107414 International Journal of Big Data 2326-442X
107418 Les Cahiers des Amis de Lucie Delarue-Mardrus 2269-9651
107419 Review of World Economics
107421 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases 1735-8582
107426 Industria de lacticinios
107438 Consommation - Revue de socio-économie 0010-6593
107439 Cuadernos de ciencas economicas y empresariales
107441 TSI
107447 Novitas-Royal, Research on youth and language 1307-4733 H. Sezgi SARAÇ
107448 Revue d'économie appliquée, la revue du Lea
107458 Progress in Optics 0079-6638 Elsevier
107470 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy
107472 Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Research
107473 Physiological Reports
107474 Journal of Experimental and Applied Animal Sciences
107475 Journal of Development Economics
107483 Options Méditerranéennes - Série B (Etudes et Recherches)
107485 International Journal of e-Collaboration 1548-3673 IGI Publishing
107489 Social Choice and Welfare
107495 Journal on graphics, vision and image processing (ICGST-GVIP) 1687-398X
107496 International Journal of Research in Marketing
107498 Artif. Intell
107499 J. Log. Comput
107501 IE Bercy : la lettre d’information de l’Intelligence Economique des Ministères économiques et financiers
107505 International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies 2308-412X IARIA XPS Press
107508 The Mariner’s Mirror 0025-3359 Society for Nautical Research
107509 Itsas Memoria. Revista de Estudios Marítimos del País Vasco
107510 Sci. Comput. Program
107511 L'OBJET
107512 Российские и славянские исследования 9789855186015 Анатолий Сальков
107513 Bulletin d'histoire de la sécurité sociale en Auvergne 1773-9993 Association régionale pour l'étude de l'histoire de la Sécurité sociale en Auvergne
107514 Revista de Administração Contemporanea 1982-7849 ANPAD
107515 Advances in Strategic Management 0742-3322 Emerald
107520 British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
107521 Bioencapsulation Innovations