Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
303630 Watha’iq
152198 Wathi
19875 Wave Motion 0165-2125 Elsevier
388125 Wave Motion 1878-433X
19877 Waves in Random Media 0959-7174 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis);Institute of Physics (IOP)
19876 Waves in Random and Complex Media 1745-5030 Taylor & Francis
151399 Waves in Random and Complex Media
118410 Wax Poetics 1537-8241
9244 Wayne Law Review 0043-1621 Wayne State University Law School
281666 WdO
9245 We (New York, N.Y.) 1092-9533 We Magazine
9246 We International 1485-1571 WEED Foundation
19818 Wear 0043-1648 Elsevier
524375 Wear
658158 Wear 1873-2577
170511 Wearable Technologies Cambridge University Press
9247 Wearables Business 1096-3766 Prism Business Media
19878 Weather 0043-1656 Wiley
160778 Weather and Climate Dynamics 2698-4016 Copernicus
130080 Weather and Climate Extremes 2212-0947 Elsevier
19879 Weather and Forecasting 0882-8156 American Meteorological Society
63030 Weather, Climate, and Society 1948-8327 American Meteorological Society
9248 Weatherwise 0043-1672 Taylor & Francis
36203 Web Ecology European Ecological Federation (EEF)
177273 Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2021 0302-9743 Wenjie Zhang, Lei Zou, Zakaria Maamar, Lu Chen
68403 Web Information Systems and Technologies Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
173526 Web Intelligence
116137 Web Intelligence : An International Journal 2405-6464 IOS Press
40855 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 1570-1263 IOS Press
161006 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 1570-1263
161099 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal
2513 Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 1360-1326 University of Newcastle upon Tyne
2514 Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony 1827-8868 Osservatorio per la Protezione dei Beni Culturali in Area di Crisi dell'I.S.Fo.R.M
83301 Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web Elsevier
116837 Web journal of French Media Studies 1460-6550
102326 Web-revue des industries culturelles et numériques 2262-6956 Histoire des arts et des représentation (EA 4414), Université Paris Nanterre
75803 Web3D '11 : 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
72124 WebSci
118719 Webbia 0083-7792
864275 Webbia : Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 2169-4060 Firenze University Press
356349 Weber - The Contemporary West 0891-8899 Weber State University
889407 Webinaire : "transsexualisme, transidentité et ordre sacramentel" à l'invitation de la Faculté de droit canonique de l'Université Saint-Paul d'Ottawa (Ontario - Canada), 6 décembre 2023
849179 Webinaire organisé par la Ligue Française Contre l’Épilepsie à l’occasion de la Journée Internationale de l’Épilepsie qui s’est tenue le 13 février 2023
180859 Weblaw
434329 Webmagazine Upopi
139365 Webmosaica 2175-6163 Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall (Porto Alegre)
2516 Webology 1735-188X Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST)
158545 Webzine mashup cinéma
19881 Weed Biology and Management 1444-6162 Wiley
9249 Weed Research 0043-1737 Wiley
160004 Weed Research 0043-1737
9250 Weed Science 0043-1745 Weed Science Society of America
100070 Weed Science
19882 Weed Technology 0890-037X Weed Science Society of America
156944 Weeds 0096-719X
157082 Weeds World 1358-6912
40856 Weekblad voor Privaatrecht Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) 0165-8476 Sdu Uitgeverij
2517 Weekly Epidemiological Record 0049-8114 World Health Organization
9251 Weekly Standard 1083-3013 Weekly Standard
21113 Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 1000-8020
121891 Weimarer Beiträge 0043-2199 Passagen Verlag
924915 Weimarer Beiträge
157339 Wein Wissenschaft 0375-8818
62299 Weinmann U. (dir.)
84942 Weiterbildung
116942 Weiterbildung Wolters Kluwer
34991 Welche Zukunft für den Sozialstaat? Reformpolitik in Frankreich und Deutschland (W. Neumann, ed.)
9252 Welding Design and Fabrication 0043-2253 Penton Publishing
19883 Welding International 0950-7116 Taylor & Francis
9253 Welding Journal -New York 0043-2296 American Welding Society
153956 Welding Technology Review 0033-2364
119607 Welding in the World 0043-2288 Springer
688476 Welding in the World
764657 Welfare e Ergonomia 2421-3691 Franco Angeli
233536 Wellbeing, Space and Society 2666-5581
2518 Wellcome History 1477-4860 Wellcome Trust
119727 Wellcome Open Research F1000Research
182394 Wellcome Open Research 2398-502X
152467 Wellcome Open Research
48964 Welt Trends
12599 Welt des Islams 0043-2539 Brill Academic Publishers
66764 Welt des Orients
279393 Welt und Umwelt der Bibel
177154 Welt-Sichten 1865-7966
128750 WeltTrends 0944-8101 Berliner Debatte, Wiss.-Verl
9254 Weltkunst 0043-261X Weltkunst Verlag GmbH
160708 Weltliteratur i literatura comparada, perspectiva des d’Europa
146312 Weltweit vor Ort 2364-7647 Max Weber Stiftung
12600 Weltwirtschaft 0043-2652 Springer Verlag
176451 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics 0043-2636
36877 Wem gehört die Familie der Zukunft. Expertisen zum 7. Familienbericht
801559 Wenhua Yichan Yanjiu 2096-689X Sichuan University Press
519911 Wenjin xuezhi文津學志 国家图书馆出版社 National Library Publishing House
149075 Wenwu chunqiu (Stories of Relics) 1003-6555 Shijiazhuang Shi : Wen wu chun qiu za zhi she
124038 Wenwu 文物
77621 Wenxian 文獻 [The Documentation]
42158 Wenxue yichan [Literary heritage]
113113 Wenyi zhengming 文艺争鸣 (Débats littéraires et artistiques),
170391 Wenyibao (Arts et littératures)
9255 Werk 0043-2768 Bund Swchweizer Architekten