Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
158930 J Med Virol
158931 Genes (Basel)
158932 Open Journal of Genetics
158933 J Immunol
158935 Biotechnol J
158937 Epigenomics
169844 Health 1949-4998 Scientific Research
169845 International Perspectives in Psychology 2157-3883
169846 Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities
169847 Flux
169849 télévision nationale;LCP
169851 International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS)
169852 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
169853 World Wide Web Internet and Web Information Systems
169854 Computers & Chemical Engineering
169855 Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA)
169856 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
169857 ZTE Communications
169858 Trends in Telemedicine & E-health
169859 International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST)
169863 International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)
169865 Modelling, Measurement and Control
169866 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
169874 Asian Journal of German and European Studies
169876 London Review of International Law 2050-6325 Oxford University Press (OUP) (Oxford, Royaume-Uni) [2013-....]
169877 Les Cahiers du CREA-Ecole Polytechnique
169883 Місто: історія, культура, суспільство [Misto : istorija, kul’tura, suspil’stvo, Kiev]
169884 Amia ... Annual Symposium Proceedings. Amia Symposium 1559-4076
169885 Княжа доба: історія і культура [Knjaža doba: istorija i kul’tura, Lviv]
169886 Scientifiques de Notre-Dame
169887 Археологія і давня історія України [Arxeologija ta davnjaja istorija Ukrainy, Kiev] 2227-4952
169888 Российский археологический ежегодник [Rossijskij arxeologičeskij ezegodnik, Saint-Pétersbourg]
169889 Записки Института истории материальной культуры РАН [Zapiski Instituta istorii materialnoj kultury RAN, Saint-Pétersbourg]
169890 The Journal of the International Institute
169891 Emergencias : Revista de La Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Emergencias 1137-6821 Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Emergencias
169892 Археологические вести [Arxeologičeskie Vesti, Saint-Pétersbourg]
169893 Talanta 1873-3573
169894 Barca
169897 The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows
169898 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
169899 Machine Dynamics Research
169900 Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie
169902 CAMES-Série A
169903 International Journal of Photoenergy
169905 Foot & Ankle Specialist 1938-6400
169907 Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνες 1108-2402
169909 Revue des lettres modernes - Ecritures Jeunesse 0035-2136 Classiques Garnier
169916 Breast Cancer 1880-4233
169917 Land MDPI
169919 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 0028-8276
169921 Integrative Clinical Medicine
169922 Politique et Sociétés
169923 Parma per l'arte 0391-7622
169925 Artificial Intelligence Review
169928 Electronics (Switzerland)
169929 Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
169931 Annals of Work Exposures and Health 2398-7316
169940 Études de communication publique
169942 Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985) 1936-7163
169943 Via Atlântica 1516-5159 USP Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
169945 Chemical Science International Journal 2456-706X Hooghly: Sciencedomain International
169946 Computers and Geotechnics
169952 Neurocomputing
169954 Intercripol - revue de critique policière 2725-3236 Intercripol
169956 Shape Memory and Superelasticity 2199-384X Springer
169958 Polymers from Renewable Resources 2041-2479 SAGE
169960 Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)
169964 Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association (Annals of Psychotherapy & Integrative Health) ISSN 1535- 4075
169966 Counselling Psychology Review The British Psychological Society
169969 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
169974 The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle (JARLife) 2534-773X SERDI, Auzeville-Tolosane (FRA)
169975 Bulletin de l'Association Lorraine des Professeurs de Langues Anciennes
169976 Energy Strategy Reviews 2211-467X Elsevier
169978 Mechanics of Soft Materials 2524-5600 Springer
169980 Les entretiens d’orthophonie
169981 Notandum 1516-5477
169983 CASA: Cadernos de Semiótica Aplicada
169984 Les Cahiers de l'Institut Paris Région Institut Paris Région
169985 ARTICLE LinkedIn LinkedIn
169986 Esboços - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFSC 1414-722X
169987 Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad - Revista Latinoamericana 1984-6487
169988 Psicanálise & Barroco em Revista 1679-9887
169989 Lumina 1981-4070
169991 Kalakalpa IGNCA Journal for Arts 2456-8201 Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts
169992 Galáxia (São Paulo)
169995 Revista Portuguese De História do Livro 0874-1336 Edições Távola Redonda
169996 Intercom: Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação 1809-5844 Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação
169997 Sofia 2317-2339 Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
169998 Journal of Media Critiques 2056-9785
169999 E-Compós
170000 Conexão comunicação e cultura 2178-2687
170003 Déviance et société
170004 La Lettre de la FNDP Fédération Nationale Droit du Patrimoine (FNDP) [2016-....]
170007 Journal of Intelligence History 1616-1262
170008 Memories at Stake
170154 European Stroke Journal 2396-9873 Sage Publications
170155 Clystère 2257-7459